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"Everyone out of your  rooms!" The floor's head nurse commanded. Seconds later all the patients were standing outside their rooms.

"I will give you all the chance to come clean. Who does this belong to and where did it come from?" She held up a dime bag with a white substance in it. The patients looked at each other, no one said anything.

"No one has anything to say?" The patients shook their heads.

"Alright I'll let Leigh-Anne deal with you all. Stay here." The patients waited for the woman to be out of sight before scrambling to hide their contraband.

Perrie was panicking. She had a baggie with the white substance. She didn't have anywhere to hide it. She just put it in her pants pocket.

"Line up!" She heard Leigh-Anne's voice. That made her smile. She hasn't seen her in about a month and a half. She's been really busy with work since she's been promoted to general manager.

"Don't do anything stupid. Don't try to swallow or stick the contraband where it doesn't belong.You will land your ass right in the box. Your rooms will be thoroughly searched and cleaned up when we're finished. Whoever is distributing I'm kicking you out of my facility. Those of you who are using it will be punished. Step aside and let your nurses search your rooms." Perrie raised an eyebrow. This was not the Leigh-Anne she remembered.

She smiled at Leigh-Anne when she walked over to her. Perrie reached out to touch her hand but Leigh-Anne pulled away from her.

"Rachel, I'll search her room"

"Yes ma'am" Perrie's new nurse left the room to help another nurse.

"Get in here" Perrie followed Leigh-Anne into her room.

"Am I going to find any illegal substances in here?" She asked pulling the sheets and blankets off of Perrie's bed.

"No. . .Leigh, why are you acting like this?"


"Are you not going to say anything to me? I haven't seen you in weeks. I miss you. You haven't even come by to see me. Did you get my letters?" Perrie closed the door walking over to Leigh-Anne. She grabbed her arm pulling her away from the bed and into the bathroom.

"I'm talking to you. Why are you acting like this? This isn't you. What's wrong? Did something happen? I saved all my money from work for a date for us during visitation and you never showed up. I work seven days a week for hours at a time." She only made one dollar and seventy five cent an hour.


It was like Perrie was talking to a brick wall. She looked into Leigh-Anne's blank eyes. She could tell something wasn't right but she just didn't know what. Leigh-Anne got up to leave the room.

"Wait. Leigh!" She turned around looking at Perrie.

"I love you, So much babe. Please come visit me sometimes. I miss hearing your voice and. . . Just seeing your face. Please. I know you're busy but I need you. I was so close to doing it.So close. I really needed you. " Perrie took the baggie out of her pants, giving it to Leigh-Anne.

"I um. . . Read the card you gave me. It was the only reason I didn't. If you love me like you say you do, we'll you said you did, make some time for me. Please. I only need three minutes. I want to know how you have been. What you ate for breakfast.  Give you a hug because I forgot what it feels like."

"I'm sorry" Leigh-Anne whispered leaving the room. Perrie also left the room standing by her door.

"Leigh, these ones had baggies but not enough for distribution."

"Take them down to the box. Every baggie you found adds another day starting at three days. There will be no drugs in my facility. Not even ibuprofen. I will start random sweeps daily if I have to and put you all back in jumpsuits and keep you in your rooms. If I find one more baggie. I am taking away all your jobs. Do I make myself clear?"

All of the patients nodded except for one.

"I said do I make myself clear, Edwards?"

"Yes ma'am" Leigh-Anne was scaring her a little bit. This was not the kind hearted woman she met two or so months ago.

"Good. Goodnight. You're not permitted to leave your rooms until I find out who is selling or passing this stuff out. If I catch you outside you room you will be given a shot. Nurses, be on call. If they need you, help them. If you know who it is. Report them." Leigh-Anne walked away. The head nurse instructed the patients back to their room.

Perrie made her bed and laid in it wondering what could be making Leigh-Anne  like this.

-I really like this book and I miss it so. . . Here we are-

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