🌊♡ Attached necklaces ♡🌊

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Category : Angst

Character : Female! Reader


Its kind of cliche in my opinion, Lol


3rd person's pov


"Mabel, Dipper.. Promise you guys would remember me..?" The h/c haired girl plead, Tears fell down her cheeks as she hugged them goodbye.

"Of course, Y/n" Mabel grabbed a necklace, It was apart from her blue necklace "Let's attach our necklaces, Well.. If we can.. Meet each other again."

"I'll make sure we will!" Y/n exclaimed, Hugging her tightly.

Her guardian soon called her out, She looked at her two friends and smiled "We'll meet again, Someday"

The present . . .

Y/n's pov

"Finally, I'm back in california.. I can't wait to see them again!" I looked up at the sign that says 'Levity falls'.

Oh, How much i miss this town..!

I took my first step and inhaled the fresh smell of refreshing air, I loved it so much i felt so free. My eye(s) wanders around, Left and right, Seeing how much the town changed ever since.

The exciting part is, Meeting my childhood friends.. Its been like.. Decades of not seeing them!

I went to my old house i used to live in, There was a family living happily there. Oh wow, they look so lively.

"Nope.. Focus on your point, Y/n" I muttered, Walking towards the park. Gosh, Its so familiar. I still remember the streets and paths so well, I guess i was a very extroverted person back then.

I love the nostalgia, The euphoria this place gives me..


"Ah shit..!" I winced, Falling back to the ground. I felt a really bad sting in my ass.

I opened my eye(s) to see a brunette with a familiar bandana, She had glossy lips and familiar ocean eyes.

So familiar..


Isn't that..


I stood up and looked at her in surprise "M-Mabel? Is it.. really you?" I stammered, She was so stunning. Damn.

She was still wearing the necklace, A very loud scoff slipped from her lips "Who are you?" She asked, looking pissed.

I smiled and gave her my necklace "Remember what we promised? We'll attach our necklaces when we meet again!" I exclaimed.


"HAHAHAHA! What are you implying? I don't remember promising to some kind of.. Idiotic stranger? Ha, Stupid peasant.." She proceed to throw the necklace to the ground, Walking away whilst looking in amusement.

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