Ch- 13 Play As Date

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Taehyung's pov

On Monday, by unspoken agreement, Jungkook and I don't talk about the Founders' Gala or the intimate conversation we had on the roof. Doing that would be acknowledgement of the friendship between us, tentative as it might be, something that has no place in the office.

Jungkook is as prepared for the Monday meeting as always. "You have the ten o'clock meeting with Montgomery on Wednesday. I'll send them the briefs tomorrow when the architects are done with it."

"Good. And if they're not, you have my permission to push them on it," I say. A few employees in my architect team love to ask for extensions-as if everyone didn't have to work to meet deadlines.

Jungkook nods and taps away at his laptop. His hair is sleek back today and it only enhances his features. His skin looks flawless, like smooth silk. My mind immediately wonders if it's like that everywhere-but I can't. He's off-limits.

And if there is one thing I won't do, it's become Eun Ilsung.

"Your trip to Chicago on Thursday is all set and booked, as are your meetings there. I'll prepare the travel documents and leave them in a binder on your desk Wednesday."

I doubt I've ever looked forward to a trip less, but I'd promised my dad I'd at least take a look at the project. I could ask Jungkook to come along. He'd be by my side, taking notes, listening intently. If he saw what I feared I would, his feedback might be invaluable.

"I'll be out of the office most of Thursday, but you know that," Jungkook continues. "I'll set an out-of-office message on my phone, same as on yours. I don't think we'll miss too much, but it's unavoidable."

Ah, the pitch with Terri.

There's a faint flush of excitement on Jungkook's cheeks. "How's it coming along? Working with Terri?"

"Great," he says. "I can't see how Kang-min had a problem with her. The design they worked on is sleek and fulfills the client's brief. I think the pitch will go very well."

"I have no doubt of that. You'll do great." Jungkook is competent, brave, and professional-when he wants to be. Taking Kangmin off the project had been the right thing to do. The man was talented but a damn pain in the ass sometimes.

Jungkook's eyes light up at my words. Dangerous, the voice whispers inside my head again, at how beautiful it makes him look. At how good it feels to see my words having that effect on him.

"Thank you. Is that all for this week?"

I run my fingers along the edge of the oak table. "Is my Wednesday afternoon and evening still free?"

It's an unnecessary question. I know it is.


"I'd appreciate your input on the opera house then. Pencil in an hour for us sometime that afternoon."

He nods and gathers his things. "Absolutely. Did the night at the museum inspire you?"

I think of his eyes, wide with amazement as I showed him the magnifying glass on the roof. The bravery and strength with which he spoke of his time at Eun Ilsung's. The way his body looked in the black outfit, the way he felt against my arm, and his cheekiness when he told Aerum off.

"Greatly," I say.

Jungkook shoots me a smile. "I'll make sure to have my notes ready for Wednesday, then."

I watch him leave my office and the door closing behind him. Risky, I tell myself. It's too risky. And still, I find myself unable to stop wanting him.


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