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Hobi was a crying mess and he was only running and running and taehyung's words were like a

stab in heart. He didn't believed that Taehyung hated him this much. But a part of him still

wanted him. (A/N - Duh, Are you again going to chase him again)

He was running aimlessly when suddenly he got in front of a car and everything goes dark.


In a room of hospital sniffling and sobs were heard. There laid hobi on hospital bed with no

motion in body. His mom was crying her eyes out. She didn't wanted it to become a news

so she shifted hobi in a private room with personal doctor. She was worried about her son

and his career. She was sitting beside hobi's bed and suddenly a thought came to her mind.

"I should call him, only he can help me and hobi." she mumbles and dials a number.

The other side picked up, "Hello" . "Hello son it's me your mother." "..."

"Son your brother h-he..." she started crying. "What happened to hobi?" A panicked voice

said. "He got into accident a-and..." she couldn't finish off as other side hunged up the phone.


Hospital's room burst open and there stood a person with emotionless yet panicked expression.

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"Hoseok" His mom shouted. "What had happened to hobi?" said hoseok. his mother told him

everything. "You knew and you didn't do anything." he was fuming with anger. "I can't do

anything son if i do then his career will affected." said she. "You are worried about his career and

not his condition?" said hoseok with anger. "No, son I am worried but taehyung hurt him and I

can't ask company to fire him because he has important role in band and hobi doesn't. He has

more fanbase than hobi and it can affect hobi career instead."

"Why did you called me then?" asked hoseok. "To uh... replace hobi in band as I have not spread

news of him being in like this condition." said his mother. Hoseok stares at her emotionless.

"You can do it for your brother.." She gets cut off by hoseok. "What I have always done is only

for you and hobi from when i was 4 so don't talk bullshit with me mom." His mom fell silent.

"So what I have to do.?" "You have to take place of hobi in band and don't let anyone find out

who you really are till hobi wakes up." she said. "What was his part in band?"

"He was rapper and dancer." "I don't know rapping that well instead I can do singing."

"Sorry son I know you like singing more than rapping but please do this for hobi."

"Ok, I will do but not for you for hobi cause you always have been selfish to me."

"What are you saying son?" said his mother. "What am I saying? You always got me beat

up for hobi by dad. You begged me to pretend hobi in front of dad as he was too weak

to study and got poor grades and dad beat me up getting drunk thinking I am hobi."

"For you and hobi I left my identity as he was famous now." "This is last thing I am doing

for hobi."

"Thank you." she said sobbing. "I am going now and tell me when he wakes up."

with this hoseok went out.

Hoseok drives to hotel where he is staying for tonight. He reaches destination in a while

and enters his room exhausted.He opens his phone and searches BTS.

Then he searches for personality of BTS members and go through some videos of theirs.

"Aishh, what the heck? Why hobi does so much aegyos and laughing? I can't do this nonsense

stuff." He lays back on his bed. "So I have Yoongi as closest person seeing from the videos,

maybe they were best friends? Hobi doesn't share that great bond with others. Let's see how

they were to hobi."

While thinking Hoseok drifted into his dreamland.

END OF 2nd CHAPTER > 3 <

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