Chapter 1

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Christmas has always been a good holiday which I describe as the most whimsical holiday. To be with your family or celebrate your friendships, or be loved. I am not sure about that particular area of love. Still, I do know that there is the kind of love that you feel warmth in your heart and won't ever let go of that person. However, I'm stuck in the cycle of the replacement of the ones that you fall in love with someone, but they are just using you for the treatment you give rather than them giving to you. I always cry on Valentine's or every birthday or every year in. What did I do wrong? I stand up from my chair and get out of my messy office. I'm not too fond of the feeling of isolation and thinking of them. I saw Uraraka from a distance; she looked like she was drinking some wine, and I snatched that cup from her and shut it.
"Izuku! Wow, hold on, "Uraraka says, but it is too late. I finish it.
"I can't help it...I wish that he would love me."
"Izuku, you are the one that broke off the relationship because you weren't happy, and you shouldn't be as miserable as he should!"
"I know, I know! I just"
"Did you at least cut off from your phone? "Uraraka asked, and I nervously shook my head. Uraraka sighs.
"We broke up, but we are still friends....but only on the phone do we talk. rarely like once his boyfriend is not around, but we talked, and we talked for hours, Uraraka!"Uraraka rolls her eyes
"You shouldn't be all needy of him when you know he is taken, and you should be mad at how he treats you! Throw stuff at someone, and you know, screaming!"
Ida approached, "Midoriya, did you finish the article?"I see my watch and start walking to my office
"no, sorry Iida, I'll get it done quickly!"I open my door office and see the unfinished article on my computer about this wedding. I interviewed the couple who had been together since high school! How much I wish shoto loved me that long.
"It surprises me that you still work hard, Izuku," shoto says I turn around. He stands in his excellent black suit with a blue tie. I smiled.
"Surprise you? I am always a little behind everyone, especially when the holidays are coming in...don't go!" I reassure him I'm finishing as I click the keyboard quickly.
"Done! Umm, hi!"
"hey," We stand quickly, having this tense atmosphere with each other. Shoto coughs.
"I have a present for you for Christmas, by the way..."
"oh my god! I do, too," as I open one of my cabinets and give it to him. He got surprised, but his eyes saddened.
"I have the present but at home. I'll give it to you as soon as I find it. Il will suit you very well," shoto says as he grabs my present to him.
"well, my present is not something you will wear but...."
Shoto opens the present he gave him, and he smiles softly.
"Izuku, how did you find this book?"
"Remember when we went to that vintage cafe.....I remember how you talked about wanting it, and we couldn't get that copy."
"Izuku, your amazing!" as he opens the door and stands up to follow him. And goes to the crowd of coworkers. I turned around to see if shoto is following me, but I lost him.
I wonder around to try to find him, but Iida started to clink in his wine cup to make an announcement.
"Attention, everyone! Happy holidays! I know this year was one of our greatest-accomplishment so far, and we had the best team of writers, but this announcement is particular for Izuku" I raised my hand, and lida spotted me.
"I know we are gonna have a vacation soon, but I have this special request from someone to interview about their wedding and pick our company and you to do it."
"I'm honor!"
"I am happy to announce that the secret wedding Izuku gonna interviewed would be from our special coworkers, ladies, and gentlemen, to future Sero Todoroki and Shoto Todoroki."
As Sero and shoto come to the front, zeros show Mr. Aizawa the wedding ring. Everything around me was cheering for them, but my heart was shattered into a billion pieces as I saw shoto talking and looking for me. I smiled softly while my eyes were tearing up, turning around and heading home with questions in my head like, How did shoto and Sero get married? I have been with shoto almost for years, and I know that Sero was been with him for about a year. I can't stand it. Why am I the second choice of someone? Am I not that interesting, or am I too clingy? I am glad that I'm on my vacation now. If I had to go to work and see Shoto, Sero would tear me apart and even eat me alive. Finally, I was home, I started setting a fire, and I grabbed my cup and drank my tea I didn't finish this morning in peace. Till I hear a sound from my computer.

Mina Ashiro:
Good evening! I am not so sure if you are awake or not, but I was interested in going on vacation to your home! Is it open? I must say you have a lovely home :)

My house is average and small. But not small like an apartment. It has this library and cd collection with a chimney that adds this warmth of cozy, which gets complimented a lot in the looks, and Shoto used to love it. I start to cry again. Izuku, keep it together!

Izuku Midoriya:
Yes, it is open! I do a home exchange! Usually, my friends exchange home and car and everything.

Mina Ashiro:
I'm down! Is it okay if I bring my boyfriend with me?

Izuku Midoriya:
No problem at all! If don't mind me asking...where do you live?

I hope somewhere far like I don't know out of the country be somewhere never been like I don't know France, or Netherlands but not here.

Mina Ashiro:

"L.A" I said. " United States.." I started to type quickly.

Izuku Midoriya:
Is it too soon, tomorrow?

Mina Ashiro:
I'm in.

I can't believe it. I'm going to America. Some time for myself to relax, and think of myself. I arrived at the airport the following day. And anxiously found my seat till to my surprise I feel my phone vibrating. It was from Todoroki.

From Shoto:
I hear from Uraraka that you took went away. It's great that you found yourself going out and having a vacation. I miss you.

I couldn't breathe. Why did he miss me? Why does he has to write me when I am about to leave? Why does every time I try to avoid him, he comes back? I breathe i text him back.

To Shoto:
Todoroki, I need some time to myself to think. I need space, and I wish you could understand that I need this vacation for myself. Hope well, Izuku.

I block him. I decided to enjoy this trip with no romance and just enjoy my vacation.

Author Note:
Ahhh, Thank you to _aure.cosplay_ and _electrict.picachu_ for being my beta readers.

I decided that since BkDk Day, I say why not publish today! ;) 

I don't know when I'll be publishing the next chapter...but I will try before September!

I hope you enjoy my story!

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