Chapter 2

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I arrived at LAX, and it was an alright flight. As I exited the airport, I called the cab to drive to the address that got sent. And gosh, I have heard many things about California. It is where famous people and movies are and has beautiful touristic places always wanted to go such as Griffith Observatory or the famous Hollywood sign.

The taxi arrives at the location, and while I head out, I ask the driver if he is sure that this is it. He nods and assures me it is. The house was huge, not like a massive mansion, but decent enough. What I knew about Mina was that she told me her home is similar to mine but more excellent. But I never knew It would be high nice, lam wondering what kind of job she has to be able to afford this. Then again, probably the boyfriend is the one that works, and she is just a fling. I need to stop my train of thought.

As I found the key in one of the plant pots, I open the door. The hallways were simple but modest. I walked in. It was like I was in paradise. There was a huge kitchen, a living room with a massive television with a bunch of movies on the wall, and don't get me started with the pool I saw through the window. I walked outside was huge, and walked back in again to see upstairs. I reached the hallway upstairs and went to the left. There was the office room, probably where Mina wrote me, and there was a gym room with weights and even a treadmill next to the office. I walked out and went to the last room, and it was the bedroom. It was a vast room with a huge bed, and I jumped into it. As expected felt like a cloud when I jumped in. It was like Mina knew that she was going through some breakup, and this was my gift. As I sat in the bed and saw the clock, it was 1 pm in LA which probably was 5 am in Tokyo. I was exhausted and felt jet lag; then I saw some buttons in the drawer; I clicked and saw that it went down the window curtain to complete darkness. I fell to the bed and immediately fell asleep, saying, "Thank you, mina!" and let myself pass out.

I woke up with the movement of the curtains as the sun hit my eyes slowly. I slowly open my eyes while looking for the clock. 4 pm. I slept 3 hours and honestly felt great waking up; suddenly, my phone started to ring and answer. "Hello! This is Midoriyaspeaking!"
"Midoriya!" Todoroki, in the line, says.
"Todoroki!! What a surprise!" I said while trying to sit.
"I heard you are on vacation in LA. Is it late, huh? We're you busy?" todoroki asked softly.
"no! I just took a nap, haha." I chuckled as I thought, what does he want?
"oh great, but listen, I need this quick favor for an important paper, and you're great at giving me feedback."
I shut my eyes and sighed softly "oh yeah, sure, Todoroki...."
"you are the greatest friend ever. I will send it to you as soon as possible."
"yeah," as I press the curtain buttons once again.
"Okay, I go to go but have a great vacation! Bye"I threw my phone to the side of my bed and slept to forget the conversation that had led to crying myself to sleep.

The following day, I decided to leave my phone on mute. This is my vacation, and I don't need a boy to fulfill my heart, no more relationships, just my self-healing. I went for a swim in the pool by myself and felt so lovely how calm the water was and how hot it was, making the perfect combination of summer. As I enjoy my day, I wonder myself outside the streets of the neighborhood I am staying in, and while I jog and find the area has gorgeous houses and beautiful palm trees and flowers on the road. While going back, I see the beautiful sunset that makes the trees orange leaves like we were in the fall season, and the scenery makes the pink, and orange skies with the wind make my hair wave. But as I almost go in, I see this older man walking with the nurse: For some reason, while visiting the older man with his stick, he seemed sad and looked like his tired. I wonder what life he had at my age while I still figure out my self-worth.

"Pinky, WAKE UPPP!" Someone shouts. And I startled myself by the noise and went to check the front door. As I found a telephone with a bunch of buttons couldn't figure out how to open the big gate.
"oh sh," I mutter.
"Who is this? ANSWER ME AND OPEN THE DOOR?" The voice screamed. It sounded familiar to me. It brings nostalgia for no reason. I shake my head and press a random button. "I don't know how to do it. I'm trying, but I don't know how. Okay, I'm sorry."
"agh, fine, you see four buttons on the screen below? It's the third one."
As I pressed the third button, I heard the gate open and rushed to open the door. I encounter a tall blonde staring at me with anger, which appears to be my ex childhood friend and ex.
Bakugo Katsuki.

Authors Note:
I am a bad writer. But hope you guys enjoy this chapter (pretty short-ik-)
but hopefully the following chapters are great (👀)
Also todoroki fans don't hate on me-
See ya!

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