Chapter 3

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"Deku, why to are you doing here?" the tall blonde said. He was dressed in a black button shirt with pants. His eyes were staring at me angrily, which startled me.
"oh, Bakugo..."Unamused, I said, "I exchanged house with Mina and his bf."
"SHE DID WHAT?" said the tall blonde, while he pushed me to the side to get the phone. I roll my eyes. He hasn't changed a bit since high school.
"C'mon, Katchan! Is only for the Holidays!..." I said, but the tall blonde put on the phone and speaker too late, and he was calling Mina. The machine picks up.
"Hello?"Mina said nervously.
"PINKI AND SHITTY HAIR WHERE IN THE WORLD," he said until Mina interrupted.
"Oh, hi, Katsuki! Sorry, but we are on vacation in Tokyo, and I must say Midoriya has the greatest apartment! Is he around here?"Mina said excitedly.
"PINKI!" Bakugo said angrily.
"Listen, Katsuki! I know you are angry, but we did tell you we were gonna leave for our anniversary, so go to go bye," Mina says happily as she hangs up, leaving Bakugo angry.
"so, um..." I said awkwardly.- wanna stay for a bit-
"Not interested, busy!" Bakugo said as he headed to the door. I grab him by his arm.
"Katchan! Please, I don't know what happened after you moved! Cmon!" I said, but Bakugo just pulled away.
"No! And enjoy your holidays, you Nerd!"Bakugo says as he pulls the keys of his car, and I chase him down. But something caught my eye. I screamed.
"wait, hold on!" said Bakugo as he approached and held my face with his hands. "don't move."
"what is it.!" I asked, and Bakugo had his hand toward my closed eyes.
"Open your eye!" Bakugo says as he uses his hand gently to take off the dirt. -it's the Santa Ana winds at this time of the year they are always so hard, and always a little dust goes to your ok now?-
"yes..thank you!" I blink both eyes, and my right eye felt itchy but felt better than having that dust in my eye. Bakugo was staring close at me, and I could see his ruby eyes close as he held my face with his hands. I blushed and stepped back. Bakugo steps back as he scratches nervously in his neck.
"Enjoy your vacation or whatever I won't bother you again," he says as he waves and goes to his car. Open the window. As he drives away, I go to the door and lock it behind me, embarrassed. He held me close to him, It's been so long since he had me close, but I know he wanted to help me. He was gentle, too, like he didn't want to hurt me but was observing me. Bakugo and I had our history in high school, knew each other, then broke up, and he just moved away. Never heard of him once. But as he said, I should enjoy my vacation.

How in a million years would I, Izuku, assume that I would see bakugo again in the front door, drunk at 1 am? I was excited but also worried about him. He knocked at my door loudly while I was watching some interesting documents about killers, which scared me until I realized he started to shout and ran to the front door and collapsed toward me. As I close the door and take him to the coach. I go to the kitchen and grab some water. I am not sure if there is any aspirin for him to take. I come back with water and see a laughing Bakugo.
"hey, Katchan! Do you know where the aspirin is?" I asked while I put the water on the coffee table.
"I think it is in the second drawer next to the oven," Bakugo says while he grabs his water and stares.
It took an eternity to find the drawer because there were about ten drawers and two ovens to open. But as I come to the living room to see Bakugo playing the documentary.
"you like the Stain, the serial killer?" Bakugo asked as he grabbed the aspirin.
"Well, I find it interesting, and honestly, the only thing I found in the collection that wanted to see," I said while I sat next to him in the coach. There were good movies in the shells, but most of them were romantic comedies that would make me sad or science fiction that most likely already seen.
"Your so badass seeing a documentary that late..?" Bakugo says as he drinks his water. "honestly, I see you as the go-to sleep early kind of person."
"Oh no! I couldn't sleep, I was jet lag, and now my sleep schedule is all over the place," I said nervously till I realized that Bakugo's face was close to mine. He was staring at me as if he wanted me, and I felt nervous about how close he was to me. Bakugo raises his hand and holds my face close. And kissed me. He kissed softly. He parts the kiss. And pass out on my shoulder as I try to process what happened. Bakugo kissed me. I was blushing, but he was drunk. I was flustered, and he kissed me gently. I don't get Bakugo at all; he is always sending these mixed feelings; he likes me, then he doesn't. While I lay down, Bakugo went to the coach, put him on more aspirin and water, and put him on a blanket. I go upstairs wondering about my feelings toward Katchan, that once fell in love with in high school.

I woke up the following morning with the smell of scrambled eggs and pancakes. At first, I thought I had left the oven on and ran to the kitchen quickly to see the damage till I realized that when I got to the kitchen, Katchan was eating calmly.
"morning, you lazy deku is 10 in the morning," Bakugo says as he sips his coffee. I was glad it wasn't a fire, but I flustered and reddened when he told me deku.
"hey, deku! You ok you seemed with a red..."
"Well, I mean Katchan, umm, do you remember last night at all," I ask nervously.
"not really, but also, thanks for letting me in; by the way, usually PINKI or shitty hair would let me crash, so it is kind of a habit," Bakugo explained. "but I don't remember what happened?" I gulped.
"Well, I put you in the coach and got your medicine and water, but you kissed me..."
I say, embarrassed, and Katchan chokes his coffee. "Katchan, you ok?!"
"Oh shit, deku, I was drunk as fuck. I'm going to go" Bakugo sprinted to the door. As he grabbed his keys, I stopped him.
"wait" I shouted. He turned around. At the same time,
"Listen, I'm sorry."
"Could you hang out with me?" I asked nervously. Bakugo was surprised.
"Listen, I don't have friends or anyone, and to be honest, you are the only person I haven't heard from since high school, and don't apologize for the kiss because I like it," I said rapidly, nervous.
"you idiot don't have to lie you look embarrassed."
"I mean it! It startled me but can we at least try...?" deku said. "I'm being honest I would like to know what happened after high school..." I wasn't rejecting him, but I do want to know what happen after high school and, more importantly, why is he in America.
"Okay, whatever," Bakugo said angrily.
"uh, what?"
"Deku, I said fine, you always have to hear it twice, huh!." Bakugo said angrily, embarrassed. "See ya later, deku!" as he goes to his car and sees him drive away. I see the old man walking by himself while the gates are closing. I ran to the gate and shouted. "Are you lost?" I asked the old man. The old man turns around nervously, "Want me to drive you home?" I wondered while I smiled.

A/N: Ahhhhhhhhhhh
Its a fluffy and small chapter but couldnt see myself adding more and ahhh (screams in future chapter) Hope you guys enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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