1. Door to a new time

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(Kayla is the MC in this story, but you can picture yourself as her. This chapter is mostly like the original prologue of the game with a bit changes here and there.
Have fun reading!)

Kayla pov

'Haaaahhhhhh...' bored I walk after my class which follows a guide of the museum.
"If you look here you'll see the Mona Lisa, a brilliant work of art from Leonardo da Vinci. He drew it in the 16th century and..." the guide explained, but it didn't interest me in the slightest. I just wanted to go home. I don't like trips with many people, but mother insisted that I should take part in it, learn new things and make friends.
'Come on. Who is interested in a thing someone did hundreds of years ago. He's not even alive anymore, why would you like to know when, how and why someone did something.' sighing again I turned left in the hall while my class headed right.

'Finally...I was so bored...' not hearing the guides annoying voice anymore I walked pass the paintings and stuff, while briefly looking at them.
'Boring...boring...why would you draw something like that?...boring too...' not interested in anything I sighed.
'It was a stupid idea to come here and we needed to be here so early too. I'm still sleepy...' while walking a yawn escaped my mouth and I closed my eyes and held my right hand before my mouth and because of that I didn't see were I was walking for a moment and bumped into someone.
'Ouch that hurt, but fortunately I didn't fall to the ground.' looking up to the person I bumped into I saw a tall man with golden colored hair and amber eyes. His clothing matching both of them in the same colours.

I didn't fall to the ground because he caught me preventing me from it.
"Are you allright, mademoiselle?" he asked me making sure I was properly standing on my feet again and then letting go of my arms.
"I, yes, thank you very much. I'm really sorry that I troubled you. I was not looking were I was walking for a moment."
The man only smiled at me.
"It is not a problem, mademoiselle. I just wondered why a little lady like you had such a sour expression on her face while looking at those paintings." he said while looking at the painting in front of us.
"Why the sour expression? Where should I start? Everything is boring. I didn't even want to be here. I'm not interested in things dead people made  while they where still alive and..." while listing everything that annoyed me the man next to me chuckled.
"Haha...ah, you surprised me. Almost everyone who come here are here to admire the art and you tell the exact opposite. Quite funny." the man chuckled again and at the same time a guide made himself noticeable to the visitors saying that the another group tour is about to start.
"Ah, so late already? I am really sorry, mademoiselle, but I need to excuse myself. I have a appointment I can't miss." giving me a smile he left after we said goodbye and I thanked him that he listened to what I had to tell.
'He is a really nice man, only his clothing was a bit old-fashioned. But I'm still thankful to him....oh man I should head back and find the others before-"  a little metal sound like thing stopped my thoughts. Something touched my feet when I was about to walk. When I looked down I could see a old golden pocketwatch open on the floor.
Picking it up I saw that it wasn't moving.
'Wait, did the nice man from earlier lose it when I bumped into him?'
I looked around for the golden colour and saw it moving around the corner leaving the room. Running after him I turned around the corner, only to see him vanish behind another.
"Wait!" I ran after and saw him stepping through a door that looked like the storeroom.
'Why would he go in there? Nevermind I got him now!' feeling relieved that I can finally return his watch I opened the door, but couldn't see him. There was just a long never ending looking like hallway and paintings laying against the wall here and there.
'What? How can someone vanish into thin air? Come on I need to go back before I get scolded by my teacher for leaving the group.' with that I walked into the storeroom following the hallway.
'Huh? Why is it so long? The museum is not that big...' I walked what felt like an eternity and finally reached a big old looking door. Though confused why the door looked like that I pushed it open and stepped outside.

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