4.Day with(out) problems

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Kayla's pov

"When you said we were going outside, I imagined something different..." I said while I cleaned one of the many clocks in the room from a old kind looking lady.

After Leonardo and I arrived at the city, we were stormed by a lot of people, greeting Leonardo and asking for his help with all kinds problems.
I was confused by the situation, but Leonardo smiled and talked to every one of them listening to their problems and talked a bit with the curious little kids that were swarming around his feet.

We helped a old man by carrying his groceries to his home, he fixed a door handle and more and more...

Now he was repairing a big clock from a old lady while I cleaned the rest.
'It seems like she is really obsessed with clocks...' sighing I placed another now sparkling clock down on the table and looked over to Leonardo who was laying on the ground his head had disappeared behind the clock.

"Say Leonardo, why are you doing this?" asking I walked over to him cleaning a little clock in my hand, but now I could see a little bit of his face.
"Why am I doing what, cara mia?" he asked not losing focus on what he was doing.
"All of this! Like, why do you need to help those people with their  problems, they can just ask someone else." tired of standing I was now sitting on the ground.
"Hm, I don't know, what do you thing, cara mia?" avoiding the question i could see him smiling.
'Again! Why does he avoid all my questions?!' getting irritated I purposely sighed out loud.
I placed the clock down next to me and began to poke him at his side with my finger.
"I'm working, cara mia. Stop poking me." he said still not losing focus.
"I know that's why I'm doing it. Revenge for you not answering my questions is me distracting you." I didn't stop and he was trying to work. 

'Is he not ticklish?' I was somehow disappointed that he wasn't bothered and not talking to me. Still poking him I heard a click sound from the clock he was working on and then he catched mm hand and sat up, closing the clock. "Scusa, cara mia but don't do that again." he said smiling at me. His smile looked kind of forced. I couldn't see it long enough because he still holding my hand stood up and made his way out, after telling the kind old lady that he is finished.

"So? What's next? Repairing a fireplace? Helping someone groceries shopping or-" 

"No, cara mia. Lets say the next is a suprise for you." Leonardo led me by my hand that he was still holding to our next destination.


"Allright, I would have never guessed this..." a bit taken off guard I look at the many outfits that were getting stored into our carriage. Leonardo bought me many things to wear, because the mansion didn't have any children clothing. And I found out that there is one thing that I hate in this time...

In this time they think that it is a given that girls ONLY wear dresses! 

'I hate them! They are so uncomfortable!' Luckily after I said to Leonardo that I don't like to wear them. He bought me pants and many other things that normaly boys would wear. Ignoring the weird looks of the workers he bought me many saying that one shall wear what they are most comfortable in.

After that the sun slowly started to go down and he wanted to end my first time here with a walk around the street market, but of course someone asked Leonardo for his help again. We walked after the man to help him with  what he called something that will be finished quickly. I still looked around and unconsciously stopped in front of one stall selling beautiful looking bracelets and getting the attention of the seller.

"My, my what it is a little Mademoiselle like you doing here all alone so late? Do you want to buy something?" the nice seller asked.

"No I don't want to buy something. I don't even have money on me and I'm not alone I'm with my frie-" pointing and looking to where I thought Leonardo was still standing I stopped mid-sentence when I realized that I had lost him. 

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