part 3

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She was introduced to hunting " shoot the spear at the pig" the woman said, mirabel did and got it first try!" Good job your a natural!" The woman took the spear and gave it to her," its a gift" she smiled and mirabel had it put on her back after the blood was washed from it. " Right now let's get some coconuts" moana led her to the trees, mirabel watched as she climbed them. She got an idea, using the rope she was given she tied it to the spear and stabbed the coconut and pulled it down. " why didn't we ever think of that!"She smiled and took it" and it'd already cut for drinking!" She smiled, mirabel looked amazed, " good job" moana hit her back, jt felt nice to be complimented. They were walking through the village just talking now" dammit my clothes ripped" they turned to a small kid, " Hey can I have a look?" Mirabel asked, the girl passed her ripped shirt she had a spare on." Do you have any string I caj fix this" the girl got it for her, the family watched amazed as she sewed it back together, " here" she passed the shirt back, she loved it! " thank you!" She hugged mirabel, mirabel hugged her bag and stood up, she offered the string back" keep it you deserve it" the man said, mirabel put it in her bag.

In the hut

" you can sew and do embroidery?" Tui smiled"  I It's not much realy" mirabel said enjoying the drink. " jt takes ages to learn both take the compliment" sina said, mirabel nodded." Well we made you a surprise" moana smiled" would you like it If you stayed here?" Chief tui asked, mirabel nodded" well we made you a bed!" Moana smiled, mirabel went to check it out."Thank you" she hugged them, they nodded" you can design it however you want" sina said and gave her some wool and string, mirabel smiled and got to work embroidering the blanket. Moana kept her company and gave her ideas!

" a boat!"

" a hut!"

" a mountian!"

These were just some of them, once done mirabel showed it to moana who gasped " It's amazing!"She said and they put the blanket on the bed, mirabel smiled proud of her work. " I can do yours if you like?" Mirabel offered, moana smiled and hugged her" pleeeeeease!" Mirabel laughed and did her pig and chicken on the blanket, she also put the beach with the ocean by it, and maui's hook since she was friends with him and hadn't seen him in 'forever' (that forever was last week -_-) mirabel finished, moana smiled " you are the best!" She emphasised on the word making it sound like she's the best of the best. Mirabel smiled back as she thought of her family, would they have realised she's gone??

Mirabel didnt know, her family have realised.....

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