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Alexis sighed looking at the house that would be her home for the foreseeable future. The brownstiens moved to valley view after thier mother mellisa had died battling multiple villains at once trying to protect her city. They were still so distraught that the person that they thought could handle anything was no gone. It had affected alexis the worst as she and her mother weren't on the best terms when she passed. She blamed herself for her mothers death convincing herself that she couldve done something to stop it when in reality, there was nothing she could've done to stop it. Now they were stuck in valley view to get away from the villains and to try and live semi-normal lives. As normal as you can when you live with a family of superheroes. It was a pretty average house so her and her twin sibling apollo had to share a room. The family walked into the house with sad faces. They all assigned there rooms and once they finished the putting up basics like beds, drawers and stuff like that they all came downstairs and decided on having pizza. The next day was there first day at valley view high school. Apollo and alexis were in all the same classes which was a boost. Lucy was in the year above them but they still hung out alot at lunch. Allysa didn't start school until a week later so all of her grades were put in the system so they knew what class to put her in. In her class alexis had actually made a friend, Aiden Johnson. After the first day of school alexis and aiden had become inseparable. Alexis and apollo were still training together after school, but it got pretty hard to keep the fact that they had superpowers from aiden. After a year of living in valley view and being friends with aiden the twins finally decided to tell aiden that they had super powers. The three were also friends with a girl named hartley but they weren't as close as the trio. The twins also made sure to be very wary around hartley as she was obsessed with superheroes.

Rewrite the stars(jake madden x fem! OC) (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now