2: friends

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Alexis's POV
"Why'd the bell go theres still like twenty minutes left of class?" My brother asked as we were walking out of class towards our lockers. "I dont know maybe someone pulling a prank" i said putting my books in my locker. "Hey neighbors" hartley said greeting jake and amy. Hartley told us thier names as we were walking home last night.

"Hey Hartley" amy said walking up to us. Um i was wonder if maybe you wanted to..." but she cut herself off gagging. "What i mean is maybe we could" she continued but gagged again.
"Get you a bucket?" Hartley said confused.

"She wants to hangout after school" Jake said speaking for his sister.
"Oh you mean like be friends?" Hartley said still confused.
"Mmhmm" amy said begrudgingly.
"That would be amazing!!" Hartley said excitedly. "I mean we live so close we can hang out all the time. Great i'll see you at your house after school. And everyday after that"

"Yay you did it" Jake said as amy turned to him clearly annoyed.

"Hey Jake if you think it's so easy then maybe you should try making a friend" amy said trying to give him a taste of his own medicine
"Fine" jake said looking over at Apollo and i.

"Hey guys" he said walking up to us.
"Hey its Jake right" my twin  said being his usual nice self. "Yeah. Um hey i was wondering if you wanted to hangout at my place after school" he said nervously. "I'd love to but i promised my dad we could have a 'father son bonding experience' and now im kind of scared" Apollo said scared of what our dad wanted to do this time.

"But I'm sure that alexis would love to. Don't you lex" he said wanting me to try and make more friends. "I would love to yep" i said glaring at my twin. "Great i'll see you after school" Jake said, running off to find his sister.
"Why do you hate me" i asked Apollo wondering why on he would say that i would hang out with Jake.

"I don't hate you. I just think you should at least try to more friends." Apollo said thoughtfully. Well what if i don't want friends. I mean i already have to deal with you, Hartley and Aiden." "You do realize how sad that sounds right?" They said rhetorically.

"Well its not sad when you know the full story," i said harshly. "Lex i know the full story moms death affected me to you know. Your not the only one it's affecting. I know your scared, but you cant let your fears control you. You need at least try." My twin said raising their voice.

"You don't think I've been trying. What i've been trying to do is keep our family safe. Ok. You know why moms death is affecting me this much? Because it was my fault"i said, my mood changing I slammed my locker angrily walking off to my next class.

Rewrite the stars(jake madden x fem! OC) (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now