Bloody nights

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It's my 4th year in hogwarts. I'm crying in the bathroom, praying that moaning Myrtle doesn't come here. Not very Slytherin of me. Of course I have been cutting...Again.

Stupid mudblood
Oh did mommy and daddy leave you?
No surprise she's an orphan

I'm so tired of people yelling and insulting me.
Sometimes I get beaten too. I'm just so tired.
Tired of everything. Tired of life.

Shit. I need to clean this mess. I look at the bloody floor.
I put the blade back into my pocket and took some toilet paper. After cleaning the blood I pulled my sleeve down. I didn't care about cleaning the cuts or bandaging them. I was too tired.

I left the bathroom, and as I was walking I heard someone say "Y/n, do you realize what the time is? It's 3am! What are you doing awake at this time of the night?"
Shit. It was professor Lupin.
"Oh..Uhm..I had to go in the bathroom." I managed to say.
A quiet clank was heard from the floor. I hoped Lupin didn't hear it. Of course he did.
"...Y/ you know what that was?"
I couldn't feel the blade in my pocket anymore. In horror I looked down to the floor and saw my bloody blade there. Lupin looked at it and was shocked.
Before he could say anything I ran back to my dorm.

Lupins pov:
I saw a blade on the floor. I was shocked. Before I could say anything to Y/n, they ran away. Was that blood on their sleeve? I really hope not.

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