Chapter Twenty-One

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Her mind drifted as the aroma of chicken and bread caught her attention. Opening her eyes slowly, she caught sight of Dartian standing over the sink, fixing a plate of smoked chicken, fresh bread and vegetables. Amazed at the simple gesture, she found her heart turning over at the kindness he continued to bestow upon her. Was there anything he could not do? 

She knew he thought she was dozing, but she found herself wide-awake. Watching him work was soothing in some ways. When not being overbearing and arrogant, he was as protective as they come. At times it seemed as if a wealth of emotions were bottled up, waiting to be released. Then again, when things were at their most difficult was when he exercised the most discipline. It was as if he carried no emotions, felt nothing about what was occurring, until he was past what was happening. Must be a self-defense mechanism to pull him through the battle, she mused.

Though, the idea of him having been hurt to where he must hide his feelings, bit at the very core of her soul. No one should have to hide what they feel. That he might feel this way, bothered her.

So deep in thought, she didn’t notice Dartian turn until she felt his stare.  Smiling she leaned back again. Walking over to her, he placed the plate of food on the table in front of her. Turning he poured wine into one of the glasses.

“Eat, I promise it will taste fine. I’ve learned a few tricks over the years when it comes to preparing meals. ”  Looking up at him, she noted a sparkle in his eyes. Was he teasing her? He never seemed to tease, but who was she to deny him a moment of joy when things could so easily turn bad.

“Thank you it smells wonderful.” Looking down at her plate, she inhaled the fragrance and smiled, knowing it would be as good as it smelled. “Where did you learn to cook?” She asked.

“Ah, even though I am a man, trust me I’ve been taught to cook. My mother believed every person should know how.” His small omission spoke more about him than he could have known.

“Well I’m very impressed.” Her words drifted on the air. “Your mother should be very proud.”

Finishing the rest of the meal, she began to stretch. Every muscle in  her body felt raw, as if she had lived a hundred years in just a few weeks. No longer hungry, she pushed herself away from the table and began to stand. She knew she had things that still needed to be done, checking on Nadrin one of them. Turning she found Dartian had snuck up behind her. 

“I believe now is a good time for us to have that talk.” His began, “there is quite a bit we need to discuss. We can walk under the stars tonight and give Nadrin some quiet.” 

 Part of her wanted to go, while the other half was scared as to where the conversation may lead. She had been hoping to avoid discussing the pull between them. She knew he felt it, but with what was going on she had hoped to avoid the conversation until everything was done with. Looking up at him, she knew there was no way around it this time. Sighing she followed him out of the house and into the cover of darkness, the stars above twinkling like their own personal show. Behind her, she could hear him walk close by, his steps betraying the thoughts going through his mind. She knew he wanted to talk, but he was fighting within himself as to where to begin.

Turning she stopped him. “Look, Dartian, it has always been my belief that if something concerns a person it is best to be open and honest about it. No need to allow time and frustrations to cloud the issue.” Even as she said it, she knew that she was just as confused about their bond as he was. The idea terrified her in many ways, but if he wanted this sorted then they needed to start somewhere.

“I, I am not sure where to start.” He answered, his eyes filled with the same confusion she felt. “It’s just…”

“Dartian,” her hand rested on his arm. “There is something growing between us, I know, but there is also quite a bit going on around us. Emotions are high and are amplifying everything else, so it will make sorting through this even harder. Personally,” she started, “if it is up to me, I say we get through this first then deal with what is growing between us.”

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