Chapter 1

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"Hmmm, what is it?" Alya answered, preoccupied by the dozens of photos of the last akuma fight. She was busy selecting which of the photos deserved to be up on the blog and which would go to the archive, and the recycling bin.

"I think it's time I tried the dating scene." Marinette said thoughtfully as she stared out the classroom window.

Alya stopped scrolling through the photos and wrinkled her eyebrows in disbelief.

"Say what?"

"I just think it's time to move on from... you know. I can barely say a straight sentence around him. We've had barely any interaction. Maybe I should try meeting other people to build up my confidence in the dating department. Learn to be less awkward and all that." She explained gesturing as if she was delivering a sales pitch for a new dating app.

"Have you been watching advertisements for dating apps again? Because this sounds like one" Alya teased.

Well her orange haired best friend was right, most of what she said just now was from a random youtube ad that she was not able to skip at the 5-second mark so she watched the whole thing.

"Well... the ad might have helped me realize a few things. But surely I think that it is a good idea for me to get out there and explore..." She explained

"Marinette... I don't think... how do you plan to..." Alya sighed, giving up the conversation. As much as she wanted to push Marinette to still try to ask Adrien out. She has a point. They've been classmates for a school year and a half. So far, none of the blue haired teen's elaborate plans to confess have worked out. Most of the time, she backed out before a conversation even started.

"Great! I knew you'd support me!" Marinette smiled, taking Alya's silence as a sign of approval.

"How do you even plan to do this? Like you can't go to bars to meet people. We're literally 16." Alya said skeptically, eyeing her best friend.

"Well no, but I plan to go out more like in parks and museums etc. And if it just so happens I end up talking to a boy about our age. I will try to ask them out. If I think they are nice and interesting of course. Oh, and maybe a little cute. Yeah, a cute, nice boy who is also our age and speaks fluent French because I can barely speak English. Yeah, that's it!" Marinette explained in one breath obviously kind of excited about the idea of dating.

"Wow, you have really thought this through. I did not expect that much detail on the strategy area". She mused patting Marinette on the shoulder.

Marinette shrugged then went back to sketching.

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