Chapter 5

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"I can't wait to try the roller coaster. It's gonna be epic!" Nino exclaimed as he looked around the theme park like a toddler in a candy store.

"I couldn't agree more! But where is Marinette!? We're all supposed to be here 15 minutes ago." Alya sighed

"I'll call her" Adrien volunteered taking his phone out of his pocket

Just as he began to type her name to pull up her number, he heard her soft voice

"Hi guys, sorry I'm late." Marinette said slightly out of breath

"Damn, girl. Somebody's ready to meet cute boys!" Alya said in a cheerful tone as she eyed her best friend

Adrien turned towards the blue-eyed girl who stared back at him. Cheeks are a bit flushed, probably from running. Her hair in a half pony, the rest of it in waves framing her face. Her lips pink as roses. Her eyes looked even bluer framed by thin dark eyeliner. She wore a pastel pink cardigan, over a white cropped top.

Adrien could hear his heart pounding even faster as he realized she was wearing a denim skirt with flats. He'd only ever seen her legs once and forgot how long, and shapely they were. Her skin looked so smooth, she reminded him of a delicate porcelain doll.

He swallowed his saliva and cleared his throat.

"You look great, Marinette!" He managed to say.

"Thanks!" She said to him then quickly breaking eye contact to look around excitedly.

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting." She smiled

The four friends headed towards The Raging Rapids and quickly lined up to get on the ride.

Whie lining up, Alya and Nino were busy flirting with each other. Marinette was dazed watching the other theme park goers screaming their lungs out while they rode the artificial raging river on round rubber boats. Adrien was also busy, watching Marinette's hair move with the wind and her long eyelashes flutter with every blink.

Adrien groaned when he realized that his phone was ringing. Nathalie was calling him probably to add another photoshoot to his schedule. He took the call and walked a few steps away from the line where it was quieter. He spoke to Nathalie for a few minutes.

He turned around to walk back, then clenched his fist and walked faster.

Two boys were chatting up Marinette. She smiled shyly at them. One of the boys rubbed his nape shyly and pulled out his phone.

"Oh no you don't" Adrien screamed internally now sprinting towards them.

"Marinette!" He yelled a little too loud considering he was only 5 steps away from them.

Marinette and the two boys turned to look at him.

"Is that your name? Wow, it really suits you. A pretty name for a pretty girl." One of the boys said sweetly

"NO!" Adrien said, frowning as he stepped between the boys and Marinette.

"A-adrien!?" Marinette asked, confused.

He turned around to face her with a sad look in his green eyes. Forgetting all sense of self control, he lifted his hand and placed it on her cheek.

"I know we're just friends but I just... I can't take this. It's too much." He began to say when one of the boys tapped him on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, you can't just butt in to our conversation like that"

Adrien turned around pulling Marinette towards him as a growl escaped his lips.

"No! She's mine. I don't want her to date anyone because I want her to date me! Just me!" He said loudly and angrily.

The moment passed and as if snapping out of a trance, he felt his cheeks flush in embarrassment. He knew Marinette was not an object he could claim but he felt extremely territorial and angry.

He quickly turned towards her, meeting her ocean blue eyes.

"I'm sorry... I just-"

Before Adrien could mutter any more words, he felt Marinette encircle him into a warm hug.

Roll Credits 😉

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