Chapter 4

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"D-dating outfits!? Why would you need dating outfits? As a superhero and your friend. I don't think it's a good idea for you to do something so rash." Chat quickly countered with eyes wide with worry. He began to pace back and forth with his hands behind him

"Hawkmoth is still out there. Akumatizations are happening on almost a daily basis. The last thing you want is to put yourself in danger by going out with some punk to watch a movie, hold hands... and all that other gross stuff." He explained

"Huh? I thought you'd be happy for me. Aren't you a hopeless romantic?" Marinette asked, surprised by his reaction

"Me? A hopeless romantic?"

"Well yeah, you flirt with Ladybug ALL THE TIME. Plus, you're super into those romantic gestures and stuff. You even helped me practice my confession for Buttercup once. Do you remember?"

"To be clear, that was younger, more immature me. I don't flirt with Ladybug as much anymore because I know it makes her uncomfortable. And that whole Buttercup thing, well, I don't think you should confess anymore, either. A broken heart is the quickest way to get akumatized. I just want to protect you!"

"Well, too late for that. I've had my heart broken more times than I can remember. If I would be akumatized over something like that, it would have happened a while ago."

"What, who?... I mean who is this fool who has broken the Princess's heart?"

"It's fine. He just... he just doesn't seem to feel the same way. It's not his fault." She smiled slightly, breaking eye contact. She swallowed hard and suddenly felt her heart speed up at the sudden honesty. She doesn't normally talk about her heartaches so casually, especially not with her partner.

"C'mon let's go get some milk and cookies." She said as she turned around to go back into her bedroom.

He nodded quietly, unable to speak, feeling overwhelmed by her unexpected honesty. So Buttercup had broken her heart? He did not feel the same way? Is this why she's suddenly interested in dating? She's trying to move on? So many questions swirled in his head.

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