Chapter 5: A Shocking Discovery

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Y/N Pov

Walking into the city to get to hinata's cram school I started to think 'Going off by what I know I know that I honestly wouldn't be able to actually save pah's friend and his girlfriend because of the lack of not knowing where moebius attacks them unfortunately I didn't have that protagonist power to just stumble upon them sadly...' I thought while frowning slightly it's a real shame I couldn't actually find them I was honestly expecting to find a glimpse of them but I suppose it can't be helped.

Arriving at the school I had decided to just wait at the gate after a while I started to notice students coming out of the school although it was pretty awkward to just stand here I endured it for the most part glancing around and spotting hinata I started to walk towards her and waved to get here attention at first she didn't notice and it was kinda embarrassing.

But after a while she did and she came over to me and smiled I said "Hey there you ready to leave?" She smiled and said "Yes! Let's go y/n!" And then we began to walk away from the school as we were walking we started to talk to each other about our day and what we had did.

She looked up at me and said "Oh um what about that job you told me about? Did you already apply for it?" I smiled and replied "Yeah I got the job surprisingly enough I start next week on Monday or Tuesday they'll let me know by calling me" she smiled even wider of possible and said "That's amazing y/n! I'll make sure to stop by!" I chuckled at that and nodded my head and continued speaking "Well I'll be looking out for you when I start working then" she nodded her head happily and after that we walked in silence and not an awkward or uncomfortable silence it was a comfortable one and we were just enjoying each other's presence.

We then looked ahead of us to see takemichi so naturally we went up to him and only caught him saying "I can't let hinata find out" and she of course responded "Find out about what?" He had never turned around quicker in his life and yelled "H-hina! Midori-Senpai! What are you two doing here!" and hinata spoke "I'm on my way home from cram school and I had asked y/n to pick me up from cram school today, what are you doing here takemichi-kun?" hinata then leaned close to his face and narrowed her eyes and I could honestly see the internal conflict he has going on and after hinata does her speech and draken calls hinata then says "I'll go with you then!" and takemichi says "For real?" and she responds "Yeah he's your friend" I then sighed and started to speak "Guess I'll tag along with you guys now" and that's how we ended up walking to the Musashi Shrine.

When we finally had got there hinata spoke up "You guys are meeting here?" and takemichi said "Yeah..." I was about to speak until we heard the sound of bikes and notice that they were coming our way hinata asked "Are you sure it's here?" and takemichi answered "Yeah..." as they got closer hinata said "They look really scary..." "D-don't worry. I'm here" takemichi said nervously and I decided to speak up on that "Last time I checked you couldn't fight at all though" I said with a raised brow and a blank face he just ignored me and continued to talk to hinata and of course the two random members came up to us and started yelling and all that jazz mitsuya who was standing beside hakkai at the time came over to us after asking if takemichi was well takemichi and of course he said yes to the question.

However mitsuya stared at me in what I would assume to be was shock? disbelief? and slight fear? To be completely honest I think it was all three and the cause for that probably was because I sorta looked like taiju in a way, so I raised my brow at him and he shook his head slightly and told us to follow him and then we walked up to mikey and he turned to look at us "Sorry for calling you out of the blue takemichi" he then looked my way slightly surprised before continuing to speak "Oh your here as well mido-chin sorry we couldn't call you because we forgot to ask for your number" I shook my head and said "It's alright mikey"

Draken asked takemichi why he brought his wifey along with him and then he called for emma to come over and that my friends is when the drama began when emma said "Hey there wussy boy!" and hinata of course asked why emma would be calling him wussy boy and emma explained what happened which led to takemichi getting beat up in front of everyone which is honestly super embarrassing.

Little timeskip brought to you by the author who didn't want to type all of that and is super lazy today

Standing beside draken he asked takemichi if he was done and he said "Oh yeah sorry for keeping you waiting" and then finally the meeting would start walking down the middle beside takemichi who's wounds had disappeared somehow I went to stand off in the corner with takemichi waiting for the meeting to start.

After a while pah and peh came over and kicked the mess out of takemichi's back which I knew had to hurt and after all that happened mitsuya came over and explained what happened and as expected everything went just like in the anime but one part stuck out to me that obviously wasn't apart of the anime mitsuya said "They probably would have hurt the girl even more if a woman hadn't shown up and pepper sprayed them and called the cops but of course she didn't walk unscathed" now there is a 50/50 chance that the woman he was talking about is my mom but on the other hand it could be another random woman who manage to lose her way and stumbled upon them and saw what happened.

After the explanation of what happened mikey asked pah if they were fighting or not and of course he started talking about how moebius was two generations above them and how toman wasn't going to walk unscathed and about how he didn't want to trouble them and of course mikey asked him again if they were going to fight or not and pah said that he wanted to fight and everything went down just like the anime glancing at takemichi I can already tell what he is thinking just by looking at him and so after all of them cheering and a little talking the meeting was over and I decided I wouldn't stick around long so I said "I'll be going now hina, takemichi I'm tired and I'd like to get home soon I'll see you guys later okay" they both looked at me and said "Ah alright get home safe" I nodded and started to walk away that was until mikey called my name and I looked at him and said "Yeah what is it mikey?" "Can I have your number so I can be able to call you since we've already got takemichi's" I just nodded and pulled out my phone and opened it and pressed the call button and went to my number and gave my phone to him and wait for a while until he was finished and after that I said goodbye to him and draken and started to make my way to my home.

Arriving at my home I opened the door to see my father sitting on the couch and all he did was look at me for a minute and said "Y/N...come here and sit down for a bit" I said "Alright" and went over to him after closing the door behind me and sat next to him and after a moment of silence between us he opened up his mouth and spoke to me.
I won't be adding the bonus part because I'm lazy and because this was rushed and I didn't know what to actually do for this chapter I just went out on a limb and went with whatever just came to me but as always have a nice day or night♡!

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