Everyone's thoughts and feelings about you

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Sano Manjiro: Mikey likes you, you're sort of fun to be around, you remind him of Draken with your blank face. He wants to hang out sometime with you.

Draken: He likes you and he trusts you, just a bit, he doesn't just trust people off the bat and that goes for you too. Still he does like your fighting style and does wish he could get to know you more.

Hanagaki Takemichi: He looks up to you and strives to impress you often since you're basically Hinata's family and your his senpai, so he tends to go overboard with it. But he is wondering why he barely remembers you but has vague memories of you that he's sure wasn't there before, but he brushed it off, he can barely remember the past, he could barely even remember what Hinata looked like so he isn't surprised that he can't recall who you are

Tachibana Hinata: Adores you, basically considers you family because of how close you both are so it isn't surprising that she wants to be around you, she hopes you could protect Takemichi while you're both in Toman, I mean he can't fight to save his life but he is dedicated so she'll give him that.

Sano Emma: She doesn't have much of an opinion as you haven't interacted with her much but Mikey seems to like you and Draken doesn't hate your guts so that has to mean something.

Sanzu: He doesn't have an opinion, you're okay fighting, but that's about it.

Mucho: He finds you interesting, but that's about it, Mikey put you in his division for some reason and it has to be a good one to put you in his. He's seen you fight and he can tell you're trained, so he's a little pleased at that, thankful you didn't turn out like your friend (Takemichi).

Baji: He doesn't have a opinion yet, he's got a vague clue on what he feels about you, whether that be annoyance for being taller than him and suggesting to bash Kazutora's head in on the car to knock him out.

Hanma Shuji: You're his cousin, of course he likes you, you're his favorite cousin. Considering that you're his only cousin that is, he thinks things would be fun with you and him running around together causing havoc. But he doubts his auntie and uncle would appreciate that, if that were to happen then he wouldn't be able to eat anymore of his auntie's pancakes, and those are to die for. He isn't willingly giving any of that up.

Kisaki Tetta: He has a vague memory of the guy that his long-time crush considers her older brother, contemplated if you would be a threat or not since you might not agree when he eventually gets Hinata to be his girlfriend.

Kazutora: He doesn't know if he wants to admire your strength or be weary of you since you suggested bashing his head in just to knock him out when all you could've done with a simple well aimed chop to his neck.

Ran: He thinks you're fun, he saw you fighting but with all that dust in the way he could barely see the action going on, he could barely hear but he could pick up the conversation when you suggested bashing the banana boy's head against the car you were on to knock him out.

Rindou: He was barely paying attention to you, focused on the fight between Mikey and the rest but he has recognized that you seem to interest his older brother, and catching his attention is not likely since his older brother can become bored just as quick as he was interested in a person, he wonders how long you'll continue to amaze his brother before whatever made you so special is gone.

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