1| Riley

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"Mum what if we don't like the new house" A curious Rowan said, I looked at the backseat through the wing mirror to see Hallie fast asleep but Rowan sat there wide away. I'm not surprised. It was midday and he's 8 years old now. He doesn't tend to sleep in a car.
"You'll get to see Auntie Em more often Rowe, I thought you wanted that?" I asked making him nod but also bit his lip lightly. 
I had done everything I could think of to make this transition easier for him.
The last thing I wanted was him to struggle with a move.

Emily moved back to a town we used to live in when I met Connor. That's not because they didn't get along, quite the opposite really. But when she moved back, we didn't get to see each other as much until Rowan came along.
This little boy stole her heart long before he could ever say a single word. 

"But what about Uncle Carter" He said pouting lightly.
"Hey, Uncle Carter" is coming to see us as soon as he finishes school. He told you that himself" I said offering him a smile. 

"If Dad was still here, would we be moving?" Rowan asked making me take a minute to breathe..

Like I said, he was curious.. He got that from his father that's for sure. 
We talk about him a lot, Rowan may not understand completely what happened but he understands that Connor isn't here anymore and as much as we want him to. He isn't coming home.
Hallie however, she's not even 6 months yet and she's now going to have to grow up without a Dad. She'll never get to have that father daughter bond that whether girls like it or not. They treasure.

"I don't know honey, I really don't" I said making him nod.
"I didn't mean to make you sad mum" She said watching me in the mirror.
"Don't be silly sweetheart, You didn't. I'm okay" I said offering him a smile.


The movers had gotten all the furniture in for us, the boxes had been stacked high in the living room. Hallie was napping for the second time today, Rowan was playing outside in the garden leaving me with plenty of time to get a head start on the unpacking. 

After placing all the boxes in the correct room while having the baby monitor tied to my hip, I started in Rowan's room knowing this was the one room that needed to be sorted first. If he doesn't have full access to his toys as soon as he wants them. Hell will break lose. 

"Mum! There is are 2 strange men at the door!" I heard Rowan almost scream, that one noise was enough to also make Hallie jolt awake. I turned to pick her up comforting her softly allowing her to fall back to sleep as I made my way back down the stairs. 
Sure enough, there Rowan stood with the door wide open with a blonde and a brunette in the doorway
"Rowan, you do not answer the door. We've spoken about that" I reprimand him earning an puppy dog look before we both turned our attention to the men.

"Can I help you?" I asked making his gaze dart between Rowan and I before he blinked multiple times before nodding.
"Emily told me to meet her and Michelle here? I'm assuming they aren't here yet?" He questioned.
"No she uh" I started before watching Emily's car pull into the driveway. 

I'm assuming this is one of the friends that Emily had told me she wanted me to meet. She didn't want me to meet them all quickly seeing as there are a few of them. She didn't want to overwhelm me or the kids.

"Riley!" Emily squealed pulling me into a tight hug which in turn caused Hallie to wake up

"Oh Hallll" Emily cooed only making Hallie cry more
"come inside Em before Rowan escapes" I warned her watching as the three newest strangers joined her moving into the living room
"There's my little man!" Emily smile picking Rowan up pulling him into a tight hug
"Auntie Em guess what!" He squealed
"What's that" Emily chuckled
"This place came with a trampoline! Come see" Rowan said pulling her arm 

"How about you head out there and I'll be out in a minute, I just need to talk to your mummy okay?" Emily said making Rowan nod as he skipped away back into the back garden
At this point Hallie was now wide awake staring at the people around her 

"This place came with a trampoline?" The blonde guy asked making both Emily, the other girl and myself look at him confused
"Ri, this is Eldon, James and Michelle" Emily said
"Guys this is my sister Riley, her daughter baby Hallie and then well you met Rowan" Emily chuckled
"Met? They scared the poor boy" Michelle said but I shook my head

"It takes a lot to scare that boy, if he can survive waking Emily up at 2am, he's invincible" I said making all three of them chuckle as I earnt a glare from Emily

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