2| James

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"Does this feel just as strange for you?" Eldon asked, we were sat outside waiting for the girls to join us. Riley was putting her kids to sleep while Michelle and Emily were still unpacking a box for the living room I believe

"what do you mean?" I asked earning an eyeroll
"Come on James, before she left you and Riley were as close as could be. Don't act like we didn't know about you two going on that date in Studio A" He teased
"That was over 10 years ago Eldon. If case you forgot, Riley has no memory of us at all" I explained
"Otherwise I don't think Emily would have had to reintroduce us again" I added

Truth be told, all of us had missed Riley and Emily when they move. We got Emily back easily but we all knew that wouldn't be the case with Ri.. But that's okay 

Everyone removed Riley off of Social media in case we were to stress her out further but that wasn't something I could do. I may have had to say goodbye to the girl, but I had never planned to let her leave without a trace 
"you're literally stalking her" Eldon said looking over my shoulder, I rolled my eyes looking back at my phone 

 I may have had to say goodbye to the girl, but I had never planned to let her leave without a trace "you're literally stalking her" Eldon said looking over my shoulder, I rolled my eyes looking back at my phone 

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She had truly built the perfect life, the one she had always told me about when we were kids. So why did it all have to go wrong for her again? 
The deeper into the profile you go, there is not a single photo of any of us anymore, it's like we never existed to her at all

"Hey boys!" Michelle sung walking out with Emily in tow. Emily was now carrying Hallie while I'm assuming Riley was still putting Rowan to sleep
Hallie was the spitting image of Riley, while Rowan looked a lot like his father but he still had some Riley qualities, like his smile and his eyes..

"Michelle please do not wake this child up" Emily said glaring at her
"Sorry" Michelle whispered stroking the top of Hallie's head 

"This all seems so strange" Eldon said bringing up the same topic as earlier 
"I know Eldon, but you can't exactly tell her that she knows you guys, it was either this or you don't know her at all" Emily explained making me nod
Honestly, I would prefer this over not knowing Riley at all
"what if it sparks a memory and things get twisted?" Michelle asked 
"if she remembers she remembers. We then explain and go from there" Emily added

"but in the entire 12 years since this happened. Riley has not remembered a single thing so I doubt it'll happen" Emily said sighing 


It wasn't that long until Riley had come outside to join us bringing out a tray of drinks with her
"So Riles, is this place as good as the old house?" Emily asked trying to make conversation with her sister
"A house is a house Emily as long as it can contain Rowe, I don't really mind what the house is like" Riley said laughing
"An escape artist?" I asked making Riley nod
"You have no idea. He's 8 years old and from the moment he was able to figure out locks. It's been trouble" Riley said 

She turned lightly to look at Michelle who was now holding Hallie, Riley smiled to herself before nodding
"Do you want me to take her?" She offered
"You don't need to. But it's up to you" Michelle said smiling at Riley

"Mum!" A voice yelled making all of us look over at the window of the second bedroom. Sure enough there Rowan was waving at all of us
"I'm not really tired" He called making Riley tilt her head back lightly 

"Rowan James! If you not get your behind back into bed! Uncle Carter isn't coming to visit!" Riley said making everyone look at me. I looked at Emily watching as she bit her lip. She knew about this 
"James" Eldon said nudging me making me shake my head
"but Mum!" Rowan called
"Now Rowan!" Riley yelled back

Riley joined us again after watching to make sure that Rowan had now closed his window and most likely gotten back into bed  
"Rowan James is a sweet name" Michelle said offering Riley a smile
"It's quite funny actually. I obviously didn't know either of you before hand but yet both my kids share your names" Riley said looking at both Michelle and I 
"Huh?" Eldon asked

"You have Rowan James and Hallie Michelle" Riley answered making Michelle breath hitch slightly, just like mine had when I had first heard her say it

"where did you get the names from?" Eldon asked quite clearly trying to dig earning a glare from Emily, Michelle and I 
"I don't really know if I'm honest" Riley said 
"When Connor and I were looking at names for the kids, we struggled so much with their middle names. It wasn't until they were born I thought of both those names" Riley shrugged taking a sip of her water 

I looked over at Michelle who was now looking at Hallie in a whole new light and I couldn't blame her. Emily had said that she had never remembered anything but is there the possibility that we were somewhere in the back of her mind unofficially? 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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