Chapter 2 <3

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" Mmmph.." Y/N slowly opened her eyes to the sound of chatter and placed her hand down to lean on something as she sat up. She realised only Germany, Italy, Prussia and her were in the room. One fully sat up she looked down to see what she had placed her hand on to sit up.

" Gahh-!"  Y/N gasped and began apologising profusely after noticing where on Prussia she had placed her palm, Ill leave that up to your imagination.

Prussia sat there red and silent yet again, whilst Italy sat up scared and held up a white flag, it seemed Y/N's yell had woken him up.

"It seems you're the only person that can get Gilbert to be quiet." Ludwig muttered in his usual strong accent whilst grinning slightly.

" H-Hmph. Now both of you are awake we can finally go home!" Prussia crossed his arms.

" You could just, you know, wake me up. It's not like I meant to sleep on you." Y/N muttered, yawning once more.

" You so did! You're obsessed with me, especially today!" Prussia argued.

" No way!"

"Yes way!"

Y/N and Prussia argued for a while in German before being cut-off by Ludwig.

" You're both leaving Feli out as he's the only one that doesn't understand German, let's just go to the car." Germany groaned, cutting them off.

Gilbert and Y/N stuck their tongue out at eachother before Gil whispering into Y/N's ear.

" Don't you think Feli and Ludwig are practically a couple.." Gil whispered.

"Totally, that's what I was just thinking." Y/N quietly responded, completely forgetting about their argument just moments ago.

" Wooo! Road trip all together~!" Italy jumped up from his seat excitedly, before yelling;

"I claim the front seat okay!"

" Right.." Ludwig agreed, now no one else had a chance of getting the front seat.

Gilbert and Y/N took that as a competition and prepared to run to get the seat before anyone else, however the stronger German held them both by the collar.

" Back seats." Ludwig somewhat commanded.

" It's my car!" Prussia whined.

" Paying for the windows to be tinted doesn't make it your car." Germany responded nonchalantly.

" Well you were the one that insisted that you and Italy walked all the way here for 'training' so you can walk back!" Gil argued.

" Last one to the car is un-awesome." Y/N said sarcastically before running, tripping Gil in the process. She knew that's the only way to get him to stop arguing and just accept he's not driving back.

" No fair you tripped me! Get back-!!" Prussia chased you, leaving Italy and Germany to calmly walk to the car together.

Once everyone was finally in the car, Italy and Germany in the front, Prussia and C/N in the back, Germany started the engine.

" Hey Prussia, why are there girly clothes with C/N's flag on it in the car?" Italy held up Y/N's Pjs and underwear in a confused manner.

" They're obviously not mine! I'm too awesome to wear frilly shorts!" Gilbert responded, annoyed.

" Hey! Frilly shorts are awesome!" Y/N snapped.

" Are not!"

" Are-"

Ludwig cleared his throat.

" Before you start arguing again, why we're Y/N's clothes in the car? You two better not have done anything in my car.." Germany seemed increasingly irritated.

" It's not like that-! I just didn't have time to change so I changed in the car!" Y/N tried to explain.

" Yeah..that sounds just as bad you idiot!"  Prussia shouted, embarrassed.

" You got naked next to Prussia Y/N?" Italy turned his head to the side.

" It's not like he looked or anything! It was a desperate situation."

Ludwig didn't want to discuss his brother's personal life anymore so he hit the music player, causing Barbie girl to blast through the car.

" You seriously listen to this?" Y/N turned to Gil.

" N-no! Obviously not- it must be a glitch or something-!" Prussia stuttered.

"!" Y/N reached down into the storage holder by her seat, noticing a multi pack of beer, the strong kind. If her and Prussia had anything in common, it was the love of beer.

" You are not getting drunk whilst I driv-" Ludwig started to say, before being interrupted by Y/N passing Feli a drink, which he has decided to somehow chug. Within moments Prussia and Y/N were a few cans down, with their arms over each other's shoulders signing and dancing to Barbie girl, whilst Feli tried to get Germany to sing along.

" You can touch! You can play! If you zay Im alvays yourzzzz—!" Gil sang.

" Voahhh voahhhh—!" Y/N continued, her similar accent coming out.

As Germany drove along the road, trying his best not to join in with the nonsense but eventually humming the tune, he decided it would be best for the drunks to all stay at his house tonight, well with the help of Italy's drunk pleads to 'stay with him forever' he decided it.

Y/N took the ribbon off her shirt and undid her collar to get comfortable, whilst Prussia took off his tough military jacket. The lack of respected clothing made them even more obviously drunk, which was of course going to happen after they had drank more than 12 cans each.

" know your eyelazhez are like- zupperrrr vhite and long.." Y/N cupped Prussia's cheeks in her hands whilst looking at his eyelashes for whatever reason.

" I know righttt-! If I used you makeup ztuff on them they could be even longer than my-" Boom. It was Prussia's turn to pass out, he landed straight on Y/N's lap.

" Heyyy Feliiii! Guezz vhat me and Gil whispered about youuuu—!" Y/N slurred.

" Whaaat! I love surprises, like when Germany surprised me with the date~a!"  Italy excitedly stated.

" We zaid that you and Ludwig vere like a couple! Cute righttttt..!" Y/N giggled.

" We're almost at my home, please calm down and try not to break anything, or make anything dirty, or leave clothes anywhere.." Ludwig explained, blushing from Y/N's comment about him and Feli.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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