Chapter Two: Masquerade Ball

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Alexi's POV
Bekah and Nik has already left for the ball, I'm still getting ready I haven't told him that I'm going I'll let that be a little surprise for him.

Hayley is the only one staying home because she's pregnant and a wolf. Wolfs aren't welcome around here so Nik won't let her out the house if I was her I would tell him where to get off.

Once I've put my outfit on I start on my hair I put it into a bun then did my makeup and put my shoes on. I looked in the mirror and I looked different wearing this dress but it's a good different.

I'm about to walk into what ever this place is called where there holding the ball. As I'm walking in I keep an eye out for Nik. I finally spot him talking to this blonde girl when I listen into their chit chat they are flirting with each other charming is this why he didn't want me to come.

I was about to walk back out and go home until I saw Bekah.

Rebekah- There you are how long does it bloody take for you to get dressed.

Me- Well as you can see I'm here and dressed but I think I'm gonna head home he looks very distracted what with the blonde he's talking to.

Bekah was about to reply when Nik started walking towards us so I turned the other way and headed straight to the bar.

Marcel- Its lovely to see you again Alexi I'm guessing you rather liked the town to stay.

Here's my chance to flirt to get back at Nik.

Me- Maybe I'm liking the view around here there's a lot to take in. I am loving the view I'm looking at now more though.

Marcel- Are you flirting with me Miss Salvatore. Nothing can happen between us what will Klaus think. I am rather fond of my head thank you.

Me- I see your taking orders from Nik then let me guess how that conversation went. "If any of your low life vamps or you go near Alexi I'll have your hearts in my hand". I bet that's how the conversation went. Well you know where I am when you finally grow some balls and stand up to Nik I'll be waiting.

Before he could reply I pushed my lips to his they connected for about five seconds before I felt hands touch my arms to pull me away. I look up to see Nik there with a pissed of look well what was he expecting he's been flirting with Cami what's he trying to aim for baby number two.

Klaus- Care to explain what you think you are up to Alexi.

Me- Well I could ask you the same question love. I'm not the one that lied to their girlfriend and said they weren't up to much and then when I get here to surprise you your flirting with that blonde bimbo. By the way Nik is not two girls enough you know what with Hayley having your baby and then there's me. Is this Cami girl going to be your next victim what is she gonna be mommy numba two.

Klaus- Don't be like that Alexi you know your the girl for me it's just there is something in her that draws me to her. Wait I know what that sounds like.

Me- Do you Nik I mean what your explaining to me is exactly how you felt about me when we first met. If you don't want me now please tell me because I'm not going to waste my time here I'll go back to Mystic Falls but before I do I'll make sure Elijah has compelled my memories away of everything that involves you. I was hurt when you got wolf slut up the duff but if you thinking about Cami the way you just explained then I'm gone.

Klaus- No Alexi I'll stay away from her you mean everything to me. Give me another chance to show it.

Me- I Thinks it's best if I got back to Mystic Falls give us sometime apart and when I come back if you still feel the same for me as you do now then that's enough prove.

Klaus- Alex......
I cut him off by kissing him it wasn't rough but it was full of love.

Me- It will be for a couple of days a week at max. I'll miss you like hell but this is what we need to make our heads and hearts clear with what we want.

Klaus- If that's the case....
(He puts his hand out for me to take) care to dance Miss Salvatore.

Me- I would love to.

After a lot of dancing Nik took us both home. When we got there Hayley was being her usual self going on about something Nik has done. Okay so Nik has daggered Elijah, yeah I like Elijah but it's not as if he hasn't done it before.
Then he goes and tells us he gave Elijah to Marcel seriously what is he thinking he's out of his mind. Bekah was not happy but she already new and her and Nik have a plan to get him back. I don't know whether I should leave now or not but Nik told me to go and see my brothers.

I've spoken to Damon and he said Katharine is now human can't wait to see that. There's this big bad Silas is still about tricking people.

I'm now in mine and Niks room packing for my little road trip.
I can't wait to see everyone back home.

I will definitely not miss Hayley and her talking on and on about the baby.

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