Chapter 20: Save My Soul

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Alexis POV
A lot has happened n the last couple of weeks, Kia the prick has put Elena in a sleeping beauty state. The only way to wake her up is to kill Bonnie, if we did that Elena will kill us. Damon is copping well with this, at one point he was gonna let Bonnie die and not save her. Luckily he had a bit of common sense and went back for her.
Thats what's happened in Mystic falls.
Here in New Orleans Nik has teamed up with Dalia to get rid of Hayley and keep Hope to his self. Not sure where that has left us but we will find out. By us I mean me and my little one, turns out now I'm a witch I can get pregnant. I'm not going to let anything get in the way of me having this baby this time. I haven't told Nik yet he's a bit occupied with the whole Hayley thing.

Turns out when this was all happening Elijah was all for letting Hayley take Hope, Nik being Nik got even by killing Gia in front of Elijah's very own eyes.

I hadn't heard anything off Nik since he took Hope and went with Dalia. I pull my phone out and dial Nik's number.
He answers after the third ring.
Klaus- Hello love.
Me- Don't you hello love me. Where are you? I've got some news.
Klaus- That's none of your business love I'm protecting what's mine.
Me- If that's how your going to be. When you come home I won't be here I'm going to go and comfort my brothers a least they need me.
Klaus- okay love I'll see you when your back. Oh and what was the news.
Me- Nothing absolutely nothing goodbye Klaus.
With that I hung up on him.
I place my hand over my belly talk to the little guy.
Me-Great start this is huh buddy.
I grabbed my coat and car keys, and head to where I'm needed.

Klaus' POV.
I can't get the phone call out of my head, it sounded like she had something important to me.
Daliah- you know Klaus you really should stop pushing the people you love away.
Klaus- this is none of your business, I'm hear to protect my daughter from you.
Daliah- Whilst you may be protecting you daughter what about, your son if you keep pushing her away like this in the hard times .
Klaus- What did you just say.
She didn't say anything she walked away to do the spells she needs.
I pull my phone out and dial Alexi's number.
It goes straight to voice mail.
You've reach Alexi I'm kinda occupied leave a message or don't and I'll get back to ya.
Klaus- Why didn't you just tell me! Please answer your phone love.

Alexis POV

I see the sign that says welcome to mystic falls as I pass the sign, I start to think about all the fun and good memories of my life here. I place my left hand over by belly.
Me- Hey buddy welcome home.
I head to the boarding house to find my brothers.
When I pull up outside I take a minute to think about what I could possibly say to my brothers.
I open my door and I see Stefan walking over to my car. I get out and start walking over to him.
I pull Stef into a hug.
Stefan- Hey sis it's good to see you.
Me- Hey bro I've missed you so much.
Stefan- Come home there is enough room in this big house.
Me- it's not just me Stef it's more complicated.
Stefan- Bring Nik if you must but I need my little sister back.
Me- There's three of us that would need a home if we do come home.
Stefan doesn't finish his sentence.
I see him focusing.
Me- Yep if your thinking what I think your thinking.
Stefan- Your pregnant.
Me-And I think it's a boy. Don't look at me like I'm crazy I've just got this feeling.
Stefan fills my in on all Mystic Fall.
When he finishes Damon walks in.
Me-Hi bro miss me much.
Damon- like crazy come over hear and give me a hug.
After I catch Day up on all things me and New Orleans Stefan heads out to get actual food in.
Me- Day I don't really now what to say but I'm really sorry to hear about Elena.
Damon- It hurts like crazy thinking about her. Do you know she took the cure she was finally human again.
Me- I bet she loved that.
Damon- She did and it was good to see the old her back. So your pregnant again.
Me- yep and I plan on keeping this one.

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