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No One's P.O.V

This was Amirah's third return, and hopefully will be the last. Each time she returned, she always had something different about her. She'd call it "an upgrade". Even the first time she revealed herself to ponies, she came off as scary. One thing Amirah did well each time was appearing more scarier. She still had that same dark pink-purple coat and hot pink messy mane. She always had those dark black eyes that glow bright red at night. And lastly, her long crooked horn never changed. Some ponies would think it grew longer each time they saw her.

If they got to see her again.

Springfields was her target many times due to how easy it was to defeat everypony and get what she wanted. She would leave the other places like Canterlot or Ponyville alone because usually, the power she steals from Springfields is enough to satisfy her for decades. No pony knows exactly what she does with that power when she has it. Queen Deborah's mother took a risk at a young age to meet Queen Amirah at her lair and since she visit, she never came back. No pony ever dared to try to go again, even when she wasn't there. But ponies hoped this would be the last time Queen Amirah attacked since, after fifty years, she finally wants to have power from all over Equestria.

Ponies theorized that she started easy because her plan would take a lot of time and patience to complete. So she would come to gain power little by little until she would finally be able to defeat all, if not most princesses in Equestria. Some theorized that she originally was a normal pony that lived in Springfields but accidentally killed another pony and that's how she got her cutie mark and ran away to figure out how to carry on with her lifestyle.

Despite all of those theories, she is back once again. Clearly stronger than before. It took her no time to get rid of Flora's hours of hard work with putting up vines and it only took a matter of seconds for her to get rid of Nom Nom. She was back stronger than before and larger than before. She used to be an average pony size and now she's just as tall as Celestia was.

"How thoughtful of you ponies to gather around for my presence after twenty years of brainstorming in my lair in preparation for this day to come." Queen Amirah pulled her head back and laughed evilly. Her laughter came to a halt when she felt an arrow stick through her chest. She didn't flinch, nor bleed. She just stared at it for a bit before casually taking it out and throwing it behind her. It must've hit a random side pony because there was a scream right afterward. The Queen continued. "And I think it's nice that you all are so helpful enough that you'd fight for the princess who left her kingdom in your hooves. Me personally, I wouldn't let that slide. But why am I complaining, at least I have some sort of competition now...and maybe or maybe not more power." Amirah looked up and struck the sky using the diamond implanted on her forehead.

Pink magic flew into the air straight up and no pony thought anything of it until it started changing the color of the sky to a nasty dark gray and multiple rays of pink magic started shooting down fast. Twilight took action immediately and covered as many ponies as she could with a shield that eventually broke off when several beams hit it. Exhausted, Twilight fell to the ground, but Amirah picked her right back up with her magic and singled her out from the crowd of opponents. Just as this happened, the crowd began separating, since the battle seemed to have begun. Queen Amirah tried taking the power from Twilight's horn, so Flora began growing her vines out from the ground. She directed the vines to get a grip on Amirah's legs and pull them away, but when that didn't work, she had a vine slap Amirah across the face, allowing Twilight to drop. She ran over to the purple princess and helped her get up.

"Are you okay?" she asked. Twilight panted heavily before finally responding with,

"Yeah, I-I'm fine."

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