My darling.

424 10 1

You stood in the shower slowly letting the hot water wash over your h/l h/c hair, you could hear ghostface undressing..the sound of his belt clicking and his pants falling..

If you were being completely honest with yourself you were both terrified and comforted by it...

'Is she ready..?' He thought to himself 'I just killed her abusive boyfriend..was it too much...' he muttered struggling with his belt

"hey y/n i want you to know we don't have to...have any fun..least not now.." he spoked in a gentle tone hesitantly looking at his mask in the mirror

'What if she doesn't love me when she sees me..' he chewed his lip before slowly approaching the shower

Ghostface pov end~

You could practically feel the anxiety radiating off of this man..the cocky and vicious man you teased before was now gentle and sweet slowly laying his hands on your hips to help you balance your shaky legs...

"Can I look at you?.." you spoke softly silence filling the shower before a deep rumble escaped the tall man "yeah.."

You slwoly turned to look up at the brunette slowly moving your hands to his face, couldn't help but noticing as he flinched..he flinched...

You shuddered at the thoight and gently brushed your thumb over his cheek watching his scrunched up and anxious expression melt into pure bliss..

His hands found yours against his face slowly leaning in and kissing your palms gently "what did I expect.." he laughed softly and leaned into you gently

You could've sworn your whole world stopped for a moment looking into this man's eyes.. you're done for

Ghostface slowly lifted your chin bringing your back from the very dream like state he put you in "come back to me y/n" you could feel as big hands traveled over your body pulling you closer and closer to him

You didn't know what to feel now..the ticking had stopped...the world slowed..and he just kept staring at you "uh...sorry.." he shook your head softly looking away

Ghostface looked down at you worried as he leaned in gently wiping the tear stains from your soft pale cheeks

"I won't let anyone hurt you ever again.."

You felt as you were pulled into his strong chest, as if your world started to crumble in slow motion and without realizing a sob escaped your mouth

And slowly this man cradled you as you sunk to the floor watching as the blood washed off the two of you

Unsure if your years were


You trembled in the water as he stood slowly helping you stand and walk out of the shower only mere feet from your room before your stomach ached.
You leaned over the toilet embarrassed as he held your hair slowly tracing your own unique marking along your back
"I swear I've memorized these now.." he took a cloth gently wiping your mouth "better?"

He chuckled softly to himself
"I forgot not everyone can do what I do" he joked as you returned a soft smiled "yeah.." you mumbled into the cloth

He slowly moved your hair behind your ear

Your heart stopped..the way your name perfectly slipped off his tongue..his voice..oh fuck

"Yes..?" You managed

"Can you stand up?"

You slowly stood up feeling your legs begging to give out as you made your way to your bedroom, once a prison now a sanctuary as you sank into the sheets shuddering softly not even realizing as your eyes fluttered shut.

Few words echoed in your mind before the darkness took over.

"I'll take care of you my darling."

Authors note!!!
-short chapter I know but this one's been in the drafts for a while 🥲 I'm still continuing slowly but surely I love you all for the support
Stay freaky my ghostface freaks

forbidden bond (Ghostface x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now