get up boobear

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"Vio honey foods readyyy" yelled my what I would call the closest thing to a mother. "Alright ma I'll get Marky uppp" I yelled back. I went across the hallway and knocked on boos door. "Boobear get upppp" I groaned. He didn't respond. I picked the lock and pushed in. "Get up boobear" I groaned while shaking him. "How many times do I gotta tell you to stop calling me boobear your not 5 anymore" he groaned. I got up on my tippy toes and grabbed the collar of his shirt. "Listen here boobear your the closest thing I got to family besides mom and dad so suck it up and deal with it big bro" I whispered yelled. "Sorry kiddo" he grumbled. "Also it's time to eat loser" I shouted while running down the stairs.

I finished eating and put my dish in the sink. "Thanks for food ma tasted great" I said quickly while pecking her on the cheek before running up to my room. I grabbed my board and locked my door before climbing out my window. I threw my board down and climbed down the rose wall fence thingy.

I rode down to sweet sweet kwiktrip and pulled out my cash. I walked in and grabbed 4 monsters one black and white for boobear and two mangos for me. I checked out and rode back home. I climbed up back into my room and set everything down. Then the lights flicked one. "Where the hell were you Vio?" Marky whispered. I handed him the 2 monsters. "Don't tell mom and dad" I mumbled. "Well you weren't getting fucked or drugs so I'm glad" he smirked. "What if I was" I smiled. "I'd beat his ass and chew yours" he grumbled. "And you say your not my big brooo" I smiled. "Do you wanna hang out in my room while I stream kid" he smirked. I hopped off my bed and bolted to his room. "Hurry upppp" I whispered.

He finished streaming and we were in call with Tommy and tubbo. "Ranboo when are you coming to the UK" Tubbo asked. "Uhm end of this week I think, why" he answered. "Let me boot tommy out and you kick vio out quick we have alot to discuss" he told boobear. With that I got kicked out. I crawled under my covers and sent tommy a text on insta.

Viovenom: bitchhhh can you believe them mmm

Tommy: bunch of assholes

V: what do think their on about?

T: idk wbu

V: no clue wanna ft tho?


"Shit hi" I groaned. "You look like shit" he laughed. "Well fuck you too" I mumbled. "Jackass just texted me" he laughed. "Which one" I cackled. "Your brother" he smirked. "Omgomgomg what'd he sayyy" I giggled. "He told me to stop flirting with his lil sis cus it's weird" he groaned. "Your not flirting tho" I said. "Yeah exactly" he grumbled. Ranboo walked in your room. "Give me your phone" he demanded. "Boobearrrrr" I whined. "I'm kidding kid but hang up on the child" he smiled. "Bye tommy" "bye bitchass" I hung up.

"IM DOING WHAT?!" I yelled. "Quiet down mom and dad are sleeping and your coming with me to the UK tubbo got us an extra ticket" he whispered. "Omgomgomg I gotta packkk" I got excited. "Don't tell tommy tho" he laughed. "Don't worry bug bro your secret is safe with meee" I giggled. "Good now go to sleep goober" he patted my head.

JUST KILLED A WOMEN....FEELING GOODWhere stories live. Discover now