❤️‍🩹 Nina Sawyer ❤️‍🩹

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Name: Nina Sawyer

Age: ??? (600-ish)

Gender: Female

Species: Demon

Sexuality: Pansexual



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ersonality:She tends to be stubborn and acts very tsundere like, but deep down she's caring and overprotective. The only person she really shows this side to is Marisol however.

Likes: she likes angels (specifically Marisol), and other demons

Dislikes: she can't stand people who take her sarcasm too seriously, and whiners

Backstory: Nina became best friends with Marisol  after the two of them met on earth, not much is known about her family or past.

Smut?: Yes

Turn Ons: almost anything

Turn Offs: rape, Forcefulness

Position: Switch


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