The investigation

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Rusy wanted to find out why she became popular and she decided to steal Musa' s star. When Musa is practicing her singing Rusy stole her star, suddenly Musa singing became worser than before she was very sad. She went home and took a nap. She dreamt that the star that she got was magic and it was Rusy who took the star. To take the star back she need to say the magic word. "I wanna be a pop star, so don't judge me. If someone take my star, I will get it back!!!! (Short Song) and a magic word. When she woke up.......

Musa' s P.O.V. (Point Of View)
"Why must Rusy take my star? I wanna be a pop star, so don't judge me. Hey! A good song! I love it! She sang the magic word and the star appeared. My voice it became good again!!"
The star just suddenly disappeared and a shiny light when into her head. Her voice was just great! At the end, she learnt that the only thing she need to do is to just believe in herself and her dream would come true! XD

Musa finds a StarWhere stories live. Discover now