Summer of Your Life

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After laying down staring, at Noah's beautiful face for a stupid amount of time his expression suddenly changed from the soft, affection filled smile to a scowl. Then just like that he disappeared, turning away from me. His back was exposed and I could see Hope's fingers creep up and around his waist like some monster in a horror film about to bring me to death's door. The bed moved behind me. Rocco was back.

He leaned close to whisper in my ear. "Becca, are you still awake?" His breath tickled my ear and not in a good way. Sighing I turned around to face him. Facing each other I could smell his breath. Hints of alcohol hit my nose along with some sweet tropical scent. "Sorry we didn't hang out as much today cherie."

I fight the urge to roll my eyes at him. Keeping my voice low I decide it's time. "Its ok. There's something I wanted to talk to you about though." He smiles lazily, "Oh?" Slowly he moves towards me. Of course he would get the wrong idea. This guy is totally keeping all his options open. I put my hand up against his chest to stop him, "Listen Rocco, I think you're a real nice guy but there's no chemistry here between us."

His face falls looking disappointed and hurt. As if he didn't spend the entire night chasing after Priya and by the smell of things she welcomed him with open arms. "I'm happy to be friends and know that I won't stand in your way of pursuing other people." He stares at me for a minute then flashes that over the top grin of his. "Thanks for letting me know. Are you ok sleeping in the same bed as me?" he asks.

I grab the second pillow I had propped up against the headboard and shove it between us. "I don't mind." I say with the cheesiest grin I can muster. "Goodnight Becca." "Night Rocco." With that we both turn our backs to each other and once again I face Noah's beautifully carved back. Luckily though no creepy long fingers in sight. Exhaustion takes control soon and I drift off to sleep easily.

The next morning I woke up way too early. I thought I'd be so tired that I'd just sleep the night away. Instead I spent the entire time tossing and turning. Noah snores and I'm pretty sure there's another snorer out there but I haven't quite figured out who that is. Sleeping in the room with so many other people is going to take some getting use to. My body also won't let me forget that Noah is within arm's reach. I'm driving myself crazy.

My mind kept drifting back to that moment we had in the dressing room. It was short but it felt like time stopped. His cologne filled my nostrils and the heat from his body radiated all over me enveloping me making my heart race. His eyes were mesmerising, like pools of dark chocolate with little flecks of caramel in them. I wanted to taste him, feel him against me completely. My body longed to be back in his arms, back to where it felt like home was. The level of attraction I felt for this man was mind blowing and it scared the shit out of me.

Slowly and as quietly as possible I climbed out of bed. Unable to stop myself I chance a glance at Noah. Lying on his back with the covers around his waist. His features look so soft and peaceful while he slept. I quickly tiptoe out before I give in and trace my finger along his jaw.

Dawn, barely light out. Making my way down to the kitchen I busy myself with making some coffee. While I wait for the kettle I rummage through the cupboards and fridge trying to find something light for breakfast.

"Morning" "Ah!" The greeting makes me jump, knocking my head inside the cupboard I was looking through. Pulling my head out, rubbing along the sore spot, I turn around and find Priya sitting at the counter with a shocked looked on her face.

"Are you ok? Oh I'm sorry I thought you heard me"

"Im fine, don't worry about it," I chuckle. "I was a little too focused on finding food."

She flashes her beautiful smile at me. "So you're an early bird huh?"

"Normally no" I gesture towards the toast I made asking if she would like some. She shakes her head."Its a bit strange sleeping in bed with someone you just met, along with so many other strangers in one giant room."

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