One More Hurdle

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I've got you honeybee. Noah's words echo in my mind. I just concentrate on my breathing as the world comes back into focus. He tucks a stray hair behind my ear, "You good?" Nodding my head and barely whispering a reply, "Thank you," I climb off him. He's looking with questions in his eyes. Not surprising though considering that ten minutes ago I told him to back off and now I was practically climbing him for my own selfish reasons.

As soon as there's a small gap between us Hope is in front of my face. "And just what in the hell were you thinking bitch?!" Stepping a little to the side I just keep my eyes locked on Noah's. I decided to answer her honestly whilst talking to Noah. "I wasn't." Hope seems to be stumped by  my answer her mouth popping open and shut like a goldfish. No doubt she was expecting a fight. Just as I was about to explain Gary booms from behind me, "Becca!" I turn around and he comes running up to the kitchen where all the islanders have slowly gathered.

"Darlin'. I. Can. Explain," he huffs out between breaths. Dude really should focus more on cardio. "So you can explain your cock sliding in and out of her? Did you finish?" He stops and stares at me bewildered, "w-what?" Feeling Noah's presence behind me I straighten my back, drawing strength from him. Slowly walking towards Gary I ask him again, "Did. You. Finish?"  Standing tall and staring him down, or in my case up. "What's the matter, Gary? Cat got your tongue? Didn't think I would find out. Pretty stupid considering where we are." My hands lift to my side gesturing at the open air around me. "You promised me if anything changed you would let me know but no, you'd gone around fucking Marisol and pretended everything was fine between us."  The other islanders murmured and some gasped appropriately at Gary's betrayal. "Even after I told you what happened with me you still went on." "But you and Noah -" Gary rebutted but I cut him off. "But me and Noah nothing Gary. I've been honest with you from the start and told you everything that's happened with Noah since we've been together."

Taking a few deep breaths to calm my racing heart and waiting for Gary to say something. You could hear a pin drop. We stood there staring at each other and I swear I could see a hundred different answers and emotions in Gary's eyes. Eventually, they settled on one. This huge guy suddenly seemed so small as his shoulders slumped down not holding their regular position of the confident man he normally is. "I'm sorry Bec." He sounded almost broken. He ran a hand through his hair. "I have no excuse. I made a huge fucking mistake. I'm sorry." He looked me straight in the eyes. "I'm so fucking sorry." With that, he turned around and walked away. Marisol chased after him but he just pushed her away.

I released a breath I didn't realise I was holding.  Hannah and Priya ran up to me so fast. "Oh hun! Are you ok?" Hope runs after Marisol who is all of a sudden crying for some reason. "I never thought Gary would be the type." Hannah offered while they both rubbed my arms in what I assumed they thought was comforting.  It wasn't. It was irritating.  Consoling me like I'm some butterfly that had its wings damaged. Like I'm someone who is broken. Well fuck that. I take a small step forward and shake off the familiar feelings I've felt with James. Feelings of inadequacy and shame.  I'm not that person anymore and this most definitely wasn't my fault. "Honestly I'm better than I thought I'd be." Noah has been looking at me concerned but the second those words leave my lips he smirks and looks at me with what I can only describe as pride.

Just then Bobby's phone goes off. "Islanders, tonight is the night. Dress your best and shimmer and shine for our Ministry of Sound Party. Hashtag dance all night." "Woo! Just what the doctor ordered!" Priya is right. The perfect way to end this stupid day. Dance the night away and get over whatever short-lived thing I had with Gary. Hannah and Priya practically dragged me to the villa. If it wasn't for them holding onto me I would have nearly tripped several times. We move so fast that I nearly didn't see Gary slumped in the lounge. "Uh girls, just give me a minute." Priya's eyes flick between Gary and me. "You sure?" "Yep. Be there in a sec." "Okay, hun."

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