Other Things

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Slowly I rose to my feet. It felt like my heart was racing. I looked out at the men before me. Shit. After the day I've had this moment feels so intense. Blinky rapidly to stop my stinging eyes from tearing I take a deep breath in. "I choose to couple up with this boy because he's got great banter, is a kind soul and someone I'd like to continue getting to know more. I'd like to couple up with Gary." Gary beams and confidently struts towards me. I hear Priya gasp in shock. His strong arms circle around my waist and spins as he lifts me up against his chest. "Nice one darlin'," he whispers in my ear before placing a soft kiss on my cheek. We sit down our hands intertwined as most of the islanders politely applause. I look across the line at those still standing and I lock eyes with Noah and I swear I see a quick flash of disappointment in them.

Hope's phone is the next one to go off. She jumps up so fast with a smile so big and fake that I have to suppress the urge to laugh. "It'll be no surprise to anyone that I'll choose this boy cuz we are obvs end game. Even if he doesn't realise it yet. I know he'll come around. The man I choose to couple up with is my babes. Noah." Along with the others, I applaud and watch as Noah joins Hope. She places her lips on his, no doubt going in for a full-on snog. Feeling uncomfortable I turn into Gary and nuzzle his neck. A soft purring noise comes from him. I just smile against his neck and give him a soft kiss on his neck, feeling satisfied with my decision.

Next up is Marisol. She stands up and hungrily stares down the line of guys like they're all on offer for her to eat. She glances at Gary and licks her lips. What the fuck was that? Before I can process that she starts speaking. "Now this will be a shock to everyone, I'm sure, but this is love island after all. I've had my eye on this hunk since day one and I think it's time to explore my connection with him." Priya and I look at each other puzzled. The guys in line look just as confused. "The boy I want to couple with is, Ibrahim."

Whoa. Priya is up in a flash, "Excuse me!?" I jump up so fast and nearly face-plant but by some miracle I managed to keep my balance. Quickly I'm in between the two girls whispering, "P, calm down you don't want to get kicked off." "Marisol you've hardly spoken to Rahim! What bloody connection are you on about?! You're delusional!" Marisol takes a step back and smirks, "That you know of." That only infuriates her more and I push her back before she even thinks about retaliating physically. Ibrahim steps up, turns Priya around and whispers in her ear. Whatever he says seems to calm her down a bit. "Fine. Do what you want." She huffs and sits down. Marisol looks like she's that lucky cat that got the cream as she sits down next to Ibrahim. Putting her hand on his thigh but much to her dismay moves her hand off.

Priya is next. "Well since I can't choose the person I want." She looks pointedly at Marisol before continuing. "I've decided to pick someone I feel needs more time in the villa and who I think would only add to the group." She whispers under her breath, "Unlike others." Again looking at Marisol who only giggles. What is with that girl? "I choose Henrik." Henrik smiles in relief and jogs up to Priya and gives her a hug. "Thank you." "Guess that only leaves me", says Hannah as she stands. "This decision is really easy for me but I hate that two of you will go home. He's the mixer to my batter, the icing to my cake. Bobby!" I really think that these two are meant to be. Bobby runs up and dips Hannah dramatically, giving her a kiss at the bottom. "Thanks, Baby Cakes." Almost everyone applauds until Rocco and Lucas' phones ding. "Well my friends, it seems the universe has deemed it time for me to continue on my travels. I enjoyed getting to know all of you." All the guys move to say their goodbyes to Rocco. "You don't know what you've missed out on girls." Lucas declares as he walks away with all the confidence in the world like he wasn't just rejected by five women on national television. Good riddance.

Eventually, some of us end up in the foyer. While Lucas walked out without a word, Rocco was still packing his things with some of the islanders helping. Acutely aware of his presence next to me, my heart starts racing and that familiar heat gets stronger. "Becca, could we have a chat before the night ends, please?" I turn to look at him, suppressing a reaction to how close he is standing. "Sure, um, I'll come find you?" He nods his answer and for a moment afterwards, we just stare at each other. His mesmerising eyes drew me in and muffled the world around me. His eyes dropped to my lips. As if realising we aren't entirely alone he moves to the opposite end of the room and quickly engages in conversation with Ibrahim. Luckily the only other person there with us was Priya. "You and I need to have a chat. But after I give Ibrahim a piece of my mind." "Just remember you like him P."

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