The Dinner with my Dad💘

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As I sit in my last class of the day with John. He whispers to me "so tonight at this dinner am I supposed to be your boyfriend??" I whisper back "huh? Oh I don't know. He knows I like you and calls you my future boyfriend so if you want to be my-" he cuts me off "will you be my girlfriend??? I don't wanna rush things between us but I'm dying to call you mine" I smile and nod as I lean on him. "Of course is that even a question? Of course of course I'll be your girlfriend. And I very much agree" he smiles and lets me lean on his shoulder for the rest of class.

*timeskip to dinner*
John knocks at the door, I answer "hey beautiful"
Says John. I blush and kiss his cheek. He blushes as well as I move out of the way for him to come in.  I lead John to the kitchen where my dad  is  making his famous spaghetti. "Dad!" He turns around. "Hey sweetie" he smiles and looks at  John with a look of disgust... "Dad this is my boyfriend John" I smile "John this is my dad" John shakes his hand "pleasure to meet you sir- like really!" My dad just shakes his hand and nods his head.

"Call us down whenever dinner is ready!" I grab John's hand and lead him upstairs to my room. I sit  on my bed and John sits in the rolling chair in my room. "Sooooo you think he likes me?" He asks with a weak smile. "I hope so" I say with a reply. I get up and sit on John's lap. He holds me by my waist.  We start to make out🤭. My dad yells from downstairs "DINNERS READY!!!" I pull away and smile. "Be down in a few minutes!!" I yell back. John looks at me and I smile. "Come on let's go"

We go downstairs and sit at the dinner table. John gets a huge portion of spaghetti. With a lot of tomato sauce and garlic bread. "Jesus Christ kid save some for us!" My dad yells at him. "Sorry sir..... I just don't get this kind of food at home. My family isn't wealthy like yours...." I grab John's hand under the table and sigh. "Okay what do you want me to do?" He says sarcastically.. "dad! Stop being sarcastic !! And be nice to John...!" John sighs a little and eats his spaghetti in silence .....‼️ "Whatttt? He has like half of the bowl !!!!" He screams at me. "He's a hungry boy"   I giggle  as well as kiss his cheek causing him to blush then I say "and we won't have leftovers! You hate leftovers dad" he nods his head.

"Yeah you're right" he says as we all eat. My dad is playing 1000000 questions with John. It's making John a little bit uncomfortable. "I should probably be going home..... my dad will kill me if I'm not home by a certain time" My dad nods his head and I can tell he's so glad John is leaving. I walk him outside "wait? You walked here??" I asked. John nods "uhhh yeah? I don't have enough money to afford a car..." I go inside the house and come back out with my car keys. "I'll drive you home" John smiles Andddd kisses me. "Thank you princess" I kiss back. "You're welcome love" we get in the car and drive in silence.

"Sooooo I don't think he likes me" I sigh "yeah but I do and I don't care what my dad thinks of you" John smiles "Aw you're so cute!!" I pull into the trailer park ( A/n: I can imagine him living in one). "Okay here we are" I say. He kisses me and I kiss back. "See ya tomorrow!" I say. "Yeah"

I go back home and my dad immediately says "break up with him" I tear up "what..... why....."

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