Chapter Thirteen

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a/n : i know, i know. i just *poof* disappeared. well, long story short, life hasn't been very pleasant to me but here's an update :)


My back was aching.

I slumped against the brick wall and closed my eyes momentarily, patting my stomach. Just one of the perks that comes with being a girl.

My eyes snapped open when a loud engine reverberated and a familiar Aston Martin stopped in the distance.

After some time, the door opened and Joseph appeared out. He grabbed his backpack from the shotgun seat and shut the door, clicking his keys to lock it.

I couldn't help but notice how his car seemed out of place amidst all the other ordinary-looking cars parked outside the mediocre buildings.

"Hey." He nodded with a refreshing smile, looking vibrant in the sunlight meanwhile I was sweating beneath my hijab. "Hope I didn't keep you waiting."

"You're on time." My reply was curt as I turned to head back inside our apartment building, but not before mimicking him. "Hope you don't mind climbing some stairs, though. The elevator doesn't work."

I wish I'd kept that witty remark to myself because as we climbed to the third floor, breathing like a normal human became difficult for me. But Joseph, with his long legs, was effortlessly ascending the stairs - two at a time. I had to fake-tie my shoelaces to catch my breath at one point.

Just as our apartment door came to view, my hand subconsciously moved to slacken my hijab until, I remembered the guy beside me.

Sabr, Daneen, sabr.

I called out ummi who was in the kitchen to let her know of our arrival. When I glanced over my shoulder, I saw Joseph taking his shoes off.

I suppressed an evil smirk. "You can wear those," I said, pointing to a pair of hello kitty slippers and he shot me a baffled look. "Or walk in your socks. Suit yourself."

Joseph narrowed his eyes at me. But the next moment, his expression brightened, catching sight of someone behind me.

"Hello Mrs. Mohsin," he greeted ummi with a smile. "I'm Joseph, Daneen's classmate. Nice to meet you." I was impressed with his mannerism but what surprised me further was when he put his hand over his heart instead of offering a handshake because she was a woman - and that made me smile.

The boy was learning, huh?

"Oh yes, nice to meet you too. Just call me Zainab. Come in inside." She beckoned us to the living room and went to the kitchen again.

We situated ourselves around the coffee table and I sat across Joseph. I turned the AC on since it wasn't always on to preserve the electricity bill but oh boy, it felt so good to breathe in cold air.

"Okay, you brought your books and notes?" I asked staidly, glancing at Joseph.

He shot me a humorous look. "Wasn't that the whole point of coming over?"

My face instantly blanked. He could never give a straightforward answer, could he?

"Let's...start." I deadpanned, accentuating my words.

"Sure...thing." he mimicked me and it took a lot from me not to start throwing punches. My patience was running thin.

Thankfully, we started our tutoring session after that but I was not expecting him not to know even the basics. It made me wonder how he'd been passing his classes up until now. And just how bad was he doing at his other subjects?

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