Part 2: Chapter 41

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Chapter 41: A Rock and a Hard Place

Ethan pushed off of his desk, moving his chair back to get enough room to stand up and pace. His parted fingers pushed back his blond hair and if he wasn't so distracted, he would have noticed that it needed a trim.


Ethan stopped in his pacing, turning to find Logan watching him. He was actually looking at him. Ethan must have looked really stressed out.

"Yeah, sorry," He shot out quickly, rushing back to his desk, "I just needed to stretch my legs, I guess."

He got back into his chair and brought his fingers to the keys, but hesitated. He really didn't want to do this: try and try to fix a problem that didn't want to be fixed. But he was paid to work and work he must. A minute into working again, Ethan heard a ding from his phone. He lifted it to check who'd texted him and smiled when he saw 'Chris' across the top of his screen.

He was texting him about some dumb video Ethan had sent him that morning. It was three laughing emojis and a comment about the guy needing medical attention for his injuries. Ethan typed out a reply, joking that the doctor would have to come to him. The light-hearted conversation was a much-needed reprieve from the stress at work. Ethan wasn't sure if Chris knew how much he appreciated his jokes and easy company but right now, it was vital in keeping him sane. Ethan suddenly wondered how much he'd really been texting Chris and scrolled up to check where their chat started. He scrolled and scrolled and scrolled. In just a week, they'd exchanged more texts than Ethan had with people he'd known for years. It made sense though.

Ethan would shoot Chris a quick text in the morning, receive a reply at work, and the exchange would continue throughout the day, with their most frequent back and forth happening at night. There was just always something to talk about, joke about, and send to each other. He would have been self-conscious about texting Chris so much, but Chris was just as responsive. Maybe it was strange for other people, but between Chris and Ethan, it just made sense.

So Ethan was sad when he noted the fact that he should get back to work instead of prolonging their conversation.

I have to get back to work


No worries

I'll be here

It was such a simple response, but seeing those words on his small phone screen made Ethan feel better. He'd go through this sucky day and maybe make zero progress, but when he was done, Chris would be there. Ethan worked harder than ever, an uncontrollable smile widening his cheeks.


Tapping on Ethan's shoulder let him know that someone had walked up behind him. He looked up, smiling when he saw Malory's bright smile over barely tanned skin.

"I know you're almost finished for the day but Ms. Sanchez asked for you again."

He glanced at his mini desk clock, confirming that it was right before the end of the day. Once again, only half an hour left. There seemed to be a pattern when dealing with Grace Sanchez. Knowing it now will only make Ethan more on edge, waiting for that end-of-the-day call. On the bright side, Ethan was confident that this was good news.

"No need to feel bad, Malory. I'll be fine," Ethan assured her with an easy smile. He wasn't lying when he told her this. It was obvious what was happening. Ms. Sanchez and her team have seen enough of Ethan's work and confirmed that he would get the promotion. Now was the time she chose to tell him. Ethan was relaxed and almost giddy riding up that elevator. Malory watched him from the corner of her eye, surprised to see such an upbeat attitude. No one was this excited to speak to Grace Sanchez. Not even her girlfriend.

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