Chapter 3

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Third Person POV

'Fundy's like the ken doll, I never had. I'd never seen anybody so glamorous.' George though as he made his way towards Fundy's car

Before they arrived to the mall while George walking around the mall with Fundy, Quackity, and Slime

George didn't on how he want to start the conversation so he just kept quite before he heard "So how do you like North Shore?" Slime looked at the brunet

"It's good, I think I'm joining the Mathletes." George turned to face Quackity and Fundy "No! No, no. No, no." They said at the same time which was weird

"You cannot do that. That is social suicide. Damn, you are so lucky you have us to guide you." Fundy scoffed

George turned to see Karl giving him a thumbs up which he quickly waved at the brunet before continuing to walking for the gentlemen

'Being at Old Orchard Mall kind of reminded me of being home in Brighton. By the watering hole. When the people are in heat.' George thought remember people used to the ocean to swim

When he heard "Oh, my God, there's Wilbur!" Quackity panicked "Where? Oh, there he is." Slime saw the tall brunet sitting down with a red haired

"And he's with Sally Salmon." Quackity felt betrayed "I heard they're going out." Slime pointed out since he over heard someone saying they were going out together

Which Fundy felt bad for Quackity "Wait. Wilbur's not going out with Sally. No. He cannot blow you off like that. He's such a little skeez, Give me your phone." The orange haired smirked

Quackity took out his phone from his bag "You're not gonna call him, right?" Before handing it Fundy "Do you think I'm an idiot?" The oranges passed over his cappuccino to the raven "No."

Fundy started typing down a phone number on Quackity's phone "Salmon on South Boulevard." Which Quackity panicked "Caller ID."

"Not when you connect from Information." Fundy huffed before he heard "Hello?" It was Sally's mom "Hello, May I please speak to Sally Salmon?"

Fundy grinned knowing this gonna be funny to do this "She's not home yet. Who's calling?" The orange haired knew what to tell Sally's mom

"Oh, this is Janes from Planned Parenthood. I have her test results. If you can have her give me a call as soon as she can. It's urgent. Thank you." Fundy heard a though before hanging up the phone 

The orange haired turned off the phone "She's not going out with anyone." Which made Quackity and Slime laugh "Ok, that was so fetch."

George watched walking away before he heard "Mom." Honestly the brunet felt bad as George walked towards Fundy,Quackity, and Slime were making their way to the parking lot


Fundy was pulling up to his house which was a mansion before they arrive which the orange haired parked  which George was shocked of size of the house

Fundy was pulling up to his house which was a mansion before they arrive which the orange haired parked  which George was shocked of size of the house

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