N Dies In 5 Minutes

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[A/N: The third Arc begins, I think. This should be the third arc in this story. I took a hiatus, focused on my YT channel and whatnot. But here's the start of the next Arc! "Flowey's Revenge" arc! Because we all know he holds a grudge from past events.]


We see N happily playing with a small figma figurine of Uzi and Thad in the snow covered floor, "La de dum, oh Uzi nice of you to drop by!"

He moves the Uzi toy making a high pitch voice, "Oh it's nothing Thad, did I mention you are hot?"

"Oh yeah Uzi, let's make out!" N is happy making a fantasy with his figurines. If Uzi was here, she'd smack him for this degrading of her character.

Suddenly Mario bursts through the wall of the corpse spire, "You will perish in five minutes." then he proceeds to T-Pose and no-clip through the floor cackling like a prankster.

SD-N's face of childish joy shifted into one of sheer terror, then sadness, followed by self-deprecation, and finally acceptance of his impending doom. N just speed through the process of depression. I cannot think of any other who can do as N has done in under one minute.

"Well, guess I should tell everyone." N walks over, indifferent about everything, into the pod.

J is slurping red wine from a wine glass, "Ah, such a delectable drink for a drone of my status." giving a mischievous grin towards Uzi, "Do you wish to try my drink, oh wait." she feints surprise, "You're a minor! Drinking would lead to an early death because your liver cannot handle the intake of three bottles! Such a shame... you'd only waste my wine by dying from it." J is a savage.

V chuckles, "She got you there Uzi. Now give me another." J tosses V a card, "..." she then gives the most blank stare at Uzi possible, "How is this game fun again?" V doesn't like blackjack.

Uzi meanwhile grins, "What? Afraid you'll be shocked again? Fine, let's call it quits, you oversized-"

Oh yes, they set it up like that mini-game from Resident Evil. Blackjack. They got these shocking devices with their left hands in them. No they are not going to cut off fingers, that's too brutal. Not like J was against it. In fact J wanted to do it because Disassembly Drones regenerate, they'll eventually rid Uzi of her fingers, but apparently Uzi got the luck of a Leprechaun.

However their game is interrupted when N opens the door, very calmly, eerily so, and then takes a seat, looking as if his soul just left his body.

J, V, and Uzi look at N with clear worry etched on their faces. How did N... become so dead? He looks like the equivalent of a zombie walking for a drone!

N then takes up a piece of metal plating from a nearby pile and takes his stinger and writes down a very long statement before handing it to J. J takes it and reads it over hastily before gasping, dropping her wine, such an expensive delicacy shattering on the floor.


My Will

1 - Uzi gets my ice scream cache

2 - J I loved you

3 - V gets the red scarf I was working on

4 - Mario gets my spaghetti poster for giving me professional medical opinion

5 - Dimitrius gets my tail she needs a new tail since she lost hers to someone named Angel Dust.


Uzi snatches the rectangular metal plate from J and then read it over, and cheers, "Woohoo! I get your ice-cream! HAHAHAHAHA!" Uzi no, this is time of sadness, not to celebrate you get N's 100 carton's of ice cream he stole from Wanzy Pelozi.

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