The N Is A Fascist! (Parody)

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[A/N: Parody of the Heavy is a Communist. Mandatory disclaimer as that nothing written shows my political viewpoints or whatever. It's just a satire parody of an already satire skit from the TF2 community. And I decided to do my take because people memed how SD-N and the murder drones looked like N*zis to begin with so this kind of came to mind from that as well.]


Uzi kicks down the door to the pod, interrupting a card game between N and V, "N!" she growls.

"Oh biscuits." SD-N feels a big trouble coming on, poking his index fingers together nervously.

"What the hell is this?!" Uzi demands holding up the book MeinKraft, a book about crafting in a world of mining.

SD-N offers explanation before Uzi can vaporize his head for the second time, "It is just my literature reading when J isn't bossing me around?" he sounds uncertain, he's sweating bullets, literally.

"Literature reading?! The cover is red like fascism!" Uzi holds up the booklet, indeed it is red.

"You should not judge a book by it's cover Uzi!" SD-N is logical and wearing glasses suddenly.

"The cover literally has Mein Kampf on it!" Uzi is reasoning back with anger.

"It could be book about Mine Craft." is N's reply, with pickaxe in hand, he's gonna mine some diamonds tonight.

"And there's the title of the author! Adolf Hitler!" Uzi hit the nail on the head pointing to the author on the cover.

Thad enters the spire, giving a wave, "Hey what's going on?"

"Serial Designation N is a fascist!" declares Uzi pointing dramatically at SD-N who waves innocently towards Thad.

"A frucking what?" Thad can't believe it.

The two drones argue over each other, but then Thad just sighs and speaks his mind, "You know, between Khan's door fetish, V's sadistic tendencies, J's maid kink, and Dolls bug eating disorder. Serial Designation N being a fascist? Now that ain't so bad."

"It's so bad! We have a literal genociding (N)azi on our team!" is Uzi shouting.

Thad grabs Uzi, "Uzi, we're trying to commit genocide!"

"What?" Uzi is confused.

"Uzi, our end-goal, is genocide." Thad reasons, Uzi does want to genocide all humans.

"Dear gawd." Uzi is shocked, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I am a fascist! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-"

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