Just Act Normal

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It wasn't fair.

How dare Harry be on this vacation, kissing her and choking her and giving her the best orgasms of her life, when she wasn't even allowed to touch him or let anyone know how much she was growing to adore him. They were arguably more awkward around each other in public now, on the last day of the trip, than they had ever been before. And while teasing from her brother had calmed down a bit, YN still couldn't help but blush a tiny bit every time Harry caught her eyes.

Because the truth was, she was totally and completely smitten for him. What had started as a harmless little crush had blossomed into something so much greater. She didn't have any big, meaningful words to associate with the feeling, not yet. But it was definitely more than a crush and Harry was definitely reciprocating it, whatever it was.

He had always been one to remind her brother to back off a bit on the teasing when he sensed it was getting too much or too harsh for YN. But now, he was teasing her ten fold behind closed doors. He had always been a little bit soft on her, looking after her to an extent. But now, he was holding her close and whispering sweet nothings and making promises that she hoped he would keep.

Of course she was unable to act normal around him. There was far too much swimming around in her head every time she looked at him. Now that she knew what his body could do, she had to stop herself from ogling at him in public, even when he was fully clothed (let alone in the pool or on the beach). They had found themselves together more often than not on this vacation, despite YN's efforts to avoid an awkward encounter or break their number one rule: not to let her brother find out.

So it wasn't fair that on the last day of the family trip to Italy, YN's parents had sent out her, her brother, and Harry to do a walking tour that they had signed up for and paid a deposit for, even though they had decided they didn't want to go after all. It was supposed to be nice, pretty, and relaxing. But YN knew she would never be able to relax when all three of them were together. She was shit at keeping secrets, and this was one that she just wanted to scream out from the rooftops. And since they were in a foregin country, she couldn't even reach out to her friends back home to spill the details and gossip and get their opinions. She was all on her own, spiraling in her own head about what he meant every time he looked at her or said something that she might interpret as sweet or sexual.

And it didn't help that Harry was getting bolder. He was doing a shit job at hiding his feelings for her, or at least his attraction for her. She thought that maybe after almost getting caught in her room the other night he would be more cautious, but the very next day he fingered her on the deck of the yacht where anyone could have caught them. In comparison, the little looks and nudges he was giving her today weren't nearly as bad, but they were still making her feel a little bit crazy.

So here she was, walking through a neighborhood of beautiful Italian villas by the seaside, the wind blowing lightly in her hair, on a tour with her brother and Harry on the last day of their vacation. He was standing so close to her, but so far away. She wanted so desperately to just reach out and touch him, hold his hand, brush her fingers through his hair. He wasn't even walking next to her brother, they were walking together behind him as he held up their parents' camera taking pictures of every boring architectural detail that they would want to see even though none of the three of them really cared about it.

Sometimes, when the wind blew in just the right way, she could smell the new cologne he had bought on one of their excursions a few days earlier. She couldn't even try to pronounce what it was called, but it made her mouth water. Each time the floral yet manly scent entered her nose she could practically feel her knees growing weak as she started daydreaming about kissing her way down his body, smelling it mixed with the scent that was uniquely him.

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