Poor Unfortunate Hanguang-jun

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"The two are Xie Lian, A flower god and husband to Hua Cheng. He's a ghost of Supreme rank and the most notorious of the Four Great Calamities, widely known as Crimson Rain Sought Flower" Oceana summarize.

"I'll show you a video of your possible future as due to some difficulties and Elvos's temper... Wei Wuxian is in a better place."

"Really!" The dead exclaimed in excitement.

"My a-xian is no longer in that horrid place." Yanli cried, tears of relief started to cloud her eyes.

"Yes we will react to the video now." Elvos shouted, popping up out of nowhere.

"Can I stay." Oceana blinked her eyes 'innocently' at him with a 'innocent' smile.

"Sure." Elvos didn't bat an eyelash at her as she squealed in excitement and clicked the remote.

The screen showed a masked person behind a curtain

"Lord Chengzhu, someone is here to see you."

"He's a lord?" -Nie Huisang questioned

a timpo is heard in the background


A silhouette answered

A hand now covering their mouth they replied

"Its one of the Twin Jades from the Lan clan-"

"Twin Jades!?" The c- world screamed


The top part of the face, specifically the eyes were shown. Amusement being seen.

"Thats Hua Cheng."- Oceana pointed out

"No shit." Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes, Oceana sulks in the dark corner before Elvos pulled her out

The screen switches to Lan Wangji standing in the middle, other masked people being shown behind him. Gossiping to each other.

The Now known Hua cheng leaned in front of Lan Wangji

"What can I do you for."

Wangji narrowed his eyes before speaking

"I'm here to slay you and dismaste your city."

"As always as righteous as he can be." Lan Qiren says with pride as he strokes his beard.

"Pride is forbidden." Elvos says not minding the gagging sound that followed

Hua Cheng narrows his eye

'So predictable'

Boredom was easy to see on Hua cheng's face before he smiled

"Why don't we make a deal instead?"

"What king of deal?"

Lan Wangji repulsed by the idea grinted out

"I don't make deals with demons."

"Oh he a demon."


The Jin rolls his eyes


A grin broke out on Hua Cheng's face.

"We'll see about that-"

Hua Cheng was behind Lan Wangji a red thread on his middle finger. Two demons in the background with a 'really' expression on their faces.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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