Alternate Game of Hide and Seek

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Despite what I said, I'm updating this again. Although, I kind of found a loophole to what I said. Last part, I said that it would be the last chapter until Poppy Playtime updates again, except this isn't a chapter, it's sorta like a rewrite, so yeah, loophole. 

Anyway, I was basically a bit unsatisfied with how I wrote the last bit of Chapter 2, during the hide and seek portion where Mommy Long Legs challenged Batman to a deadly game of hide and seek. It felt unlike of Batman just to run away without a plan in mind, as well as Mommy suddenly teleporting behind him. So, what this will be is basically like the Mr. Freeze Bossfight from Batman Arkham City.

If you don't know, you'll find out when you read the chapter. If you do know, then great, you're basically ahead of the curve. This part is technically canon to the ending in chapter 2, because it ends the same way, it's just the confrontation between Batman and Mommy that's different.

Here we go.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Batman made it to the last room, where he got a screen that tells him how the game works.

"Welcome to Statues! This advanced obstacle course is designed to test your physical endurance and strength."

Given the fact that Batman has the strength of ten men, this test won't be hard at all, depending on what the narrator said so far.

"The rules are simple: The lights will turn off, you can move through the obstacle course at this time. However, when the lights turn on, you can look around, but cannot move. You may move again once the lights turn back off. The lovable PJ Pugapillar will follow you. If PJ reaches you, your test is over. That's all, good luck!"

Batman got ready to run.

"It was always so sad to see the kids go..." Mommy Long Legs grimaced. "They called me 'Mommy' because I was the closest thing they ever had to one. But they've come for games, and never come back... They left Mommy to die alone... Mommy didn't deserve that... But you... you... came here... for me, right...?"

Batman started running when the lights turned off. This is basically the game 'Red light, green light.' Batman went as fast as he can and stayed as still as he could be when the lights turned back on.

As Batman got further, he realized that there was no finish line at the obstacle course, so he was dead if he continued further. Fortunately for him, he saw a window, which was to an office. He grappled over there just before the Pugapillar grabbed him.

He broke through the window and landed perfectly. He saw a hole in the ground, which looked like it led to a tunnel, and he jumped down it.

"Where did you go?!" Batman heard Mommy Long Legs exclaim. "The game is over, you won! Come back, and Mommy will give you the code! Pinky Promise! Mommy knows the game is really hard, but Mommy has just decided that you won! Come back!"

Batman doesn't listen and went his own way.

"Mommy doesn't like cheaters." Mommy Long Legs said, trying to get Batman's attention. "The rules are so simple. You die, and Mommy gets to watch! HA HA HA HA HA! COME BACK TO ME!"

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