Charlotte's POV:
I woke up to my younger brother shaking me awake "Dad told me to wake you up at 5:30 ish because he wants you to help him with stuff at the arena today so, in other words, it's time to get up!" He said way too enthusiastically.
After he left the room I slowly threw myself out of bed since I was still half asleep. I walked over to open my blinds and was met with the view of the sunrise on top of all the houses. Fuck it must be early. I groaned and reached for my phone that was on my bedside table. The screen lit up showing an excruciating time of 5:33. Ugh. I hate and I mean seriously hate mornings but I mean after going to one too many early morning practices or tourneys you kind of get used to them but at the same time, not really. I walked to my dresser and picked out a pair of my brother's old team USA sweatpants that were grey with "BEAUDOIN" in all caps going down the side of my right leg and the USA Hockey logo on the left where the pocket area is. I rolled up the bottom of the sweatpants since they were still really big on me and rolled the waistline once because the strings were just not doing it for me today. I put on one of my dad's navy blue CCM coaching jacket that also had the staple USA hockey logo on the left side of the zipper along with my comfy Nike socks. I went into the Jack and Jill bathroom that I share with my brother, Noah, and did my basic makeup which consisted of concealer, lipgloss, highlighter and mascara so I didn't look completely dead and finished getting ready by brushing my teeth and putting my hair in a messy bun and pulling some strands out of it to master 'the look'.
(In case I didn't explain it well here you go queens.)
I quickly grabbed my phone and ran downstairs. I said thank you to my brother for waking me up and kissed my mom on the cheek, who was currently making my brother breakfast before she had to leave for work.
"Honey, T'es sûr que tu ne veux pas quelque chose avant de partir à l'entraînement de ton frère ?" She said. (You sure you don't want something before you leave for your brother's practice)
I smiled and said "Non maman, je vais juste prendre un petit quelque chose à manger chez Dunkin sur la route!" (No mom, I'm just going to grab a little something to eat at Dunkin on the way.)
I took my keys off the counter and put on my white airforces and was about to walk out the door when my brother yelled from the kitchen "I forgot to tell you that dad already brought you stuff to the rink!"
I yelled back an okay and got into my white dodge charger. Before I pulled out of the driveway I plugged in my phone to type in the closest Dunkin since I didn't know the area too well yet. I pressed shuffle on my "August '18" playlist which was just my favourite songs of the month. 'Tequila' by Dan + Shay started playing so I turned up the volume and sang until I got to Dunkin. I turned off my car and went inside. After a couple of minutes of waiting it was my turn to order. I was greeted by a girl about my age who was really pretty.
."Hi! What can I get for you today?" She asked sweetly.
"Hi, can I get an Iced coffee please?" I said.
"Will that be all?"
"Yes! Thank you so much"
"Hey um, by any chance are you knew here?" She asked me.
"Oh um yeah, my second it's my first official day here in Plymouth!" I said giggling a little bit.
"Really? That's so cool! Well, my name is Abigail Montgomery but you can call me Abby!"
I smile "I'm Charlotte Beaudoin and you can call me whatever you want!" We both laugh and I take my phone out of my pocket and I pull up Snapchat, "here's my snap if you want it and we can talk!"

Unforgettable Girl - Jack Hughes
Fiksi PenggemarThe USNTDP boys are a group of amazingly talented hockey players living in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Charlotte Beaudoin is a competitive athlete and a charmer with a passion for hockey and a lover of life... 2 weeks before school and the USNTDP start...