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I realized that if I post in more than a month my school will start and I won't have time to write so I published this chapter more early. Anyways, thx for y'all and for the 2k views!

Before the teleporting and battle:

Zenitsu's POV:

I saw my so called "Kasugai crow" coming my way with a message at it's leg. I took it and read it.

Dear Zenitsu Agatsuma,

Tonight we will attack the fortress where the demons have hid for so long. Please be prepared if any attack will happen. -Master Ubayashiki

Zenitsu didn't belive his eyes.


Present time:

3rd person POV:

Zenitsu got teleported in a room that he never saw in his life. He had a serious face from knowing that it's here where he will die(without marrying Nezuko). He heard footsteps outside the door. 

"Come in demon, I know you are there." ↣Zenitsu

"So you found me" 

That voice was to familiar to Zenitsu. He saw a black almost raven haired demon with blue eyes. He had a black kimono and had a katana at his waist.

Upper moon 6

Zenitsu POV:

So they already remplaced the siblings.Wait a second- Kaigaku?! Why did he become a demon? 

"I didn't expect to see you here Kaigaku" ↣Zenitsu

"Neither did i weakling. I thought you alredy died" ↣Kaigaku


"To get stronger of course" ↣Kaigaku


Kaigaku didn't look surprised at all.

"So? What if he did? He didn't appreciate my work so he deserves it! Plus i won't care if that old man killed himself." ↣Kaigaku

"How dare you say that to the man who trained you." ↣Zenitsu

"Oh please, I trained myself"↣ Kaigaku

"Let's finish this faster i can't stand to hear your voice anymore" ↣Zenitsu

"Neither do i"↣ Kaigaku

Thuder breathing second form, lighting ball

Kaigaku charged at Zenitsu. The yellow haired slayer managed to dodge the demon's attack. Zenitsu was thinking of attacking, Kaigaku already launched another attack to him. This time he couldn't dodge it and got hitted on different parts of his body. 

Thunder breathing fifth form, heat lighting

Zenitsu got hitted once again. He got pushed in a long void while Kaigaku got on a floor. The yellow haired one knew that if he continued to fall he would crash and die. As he fell, he was wondering why did Kaigaku become a demon if he was good at everything exept being nicer. Zenitsu needed to do something fast before he dies. Should he use the form he created..?

He didn't had a choice since the other option would be to fall and die. He charged his attack as he was cutting in two pieces all the doors that were coming out of nowhere. Zenitsu got close enough to Kaigaku to behead him. The black haired demon was surprised by how powerful got his junior, but he was stronger. While Zenitsu was arriving closer and closer to Kaigaku, the demon was already charging his attack at him. Zenitsu got on the same floor as Kaigaku and  went on his direction in not even a second but the black haired demon already knew that he was coming so he attacked before Zenitsu. 

Zenitsu, due to his blood loss and the last and the strong attack, died from his past superior.



Tanjiro and Tomioka stopped on their tracks. Tanjro had tears coming out of his eyes from the news that he heard. One of his besfriends had just lost against a demon... Giyu didn't really care since he didn't knew Zenitsu that well but he was there just to comfort Tanjiro. The dark red haired slayer knew that they had to move on so that they will kill Muzan(Jackson) but he couldn't move his muscles at all.

While thay had stopped for Tanjiro to calm down, they both heard a loud noise coming from the upper floor. Tanjiro smelt a smell he already smelt before(a basketball smell). They both prepared for what was coming their way. 

The cielling broke while there was a pink haired with white skin and stripes that was coming their way.

"AKAZA!!!" ↣Tanjiro

"We meet again, TANJIRO KAMADO(totally wasn't going to write Gonpachiro Kamaboko)" ↣Akaza


Akaza POV:

I have to wake up faster... I feel like there's a fight happening without me. But how to wake up thought- Wait so if in a dream there is happening something you hate you will wake up. Ugh i never wanted to do this but i have to wake up.

I walked to Douma and kissed him on the mouth. He got his tongue inside my mouth as we both were doing a tongue war. After 2 minutes we fell apart. (Sadly it's inside the dream) After i opened my eyes i was still in front of Douma inside my dream. DAMN IT! Wait so that's not what i hate the most... NO DON'T THINK OF THAT AKAZA IT'S NOT TIME! Let's try something else...

Present time:

Still the basketball POV:

Ugh i can't belive i had to go to so much trouble just to wake up and find that there was a war and i wasn't here. I had found some oponents faster than expecting since i got in a room that was locked. I will finally kill this boy.


And my inspiration for next chapter is begone once again :)

Words: 891

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