4.2: Vecna's Curse

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October 1985...

October was in full swing as all the neighborhood kids were excitedly awaiting Halloween to go trick or treating with their friends. I couldn't enjoy the festivities with everyone else because I had one more tutoring session with Eddie Munson and then I could relax for our much needed break from school. Eddie insisted that we meet at his trailer for this session, so I reluctantly agreed. I knocked on the door of his trailer in the run down trailer park and waited for an answer. I then knocked again this time louder so that he could hear. "Eddie? Are you in there?" I yelled knocking one last time when the door opened to reveal the metal head. 

"Evening, Edwards. Come on in." He said holding the door open for me and I walked up the steps and brushed past the leather clad boy. 

"You totally forgot that you asked me for another session." I stated knowing that I was right.

"Pshhhh, no." He denied. I walked into the trailer more, but Eddie quickly stopped me.

"Just hold on, one second." He said running past me to get to his room. He shut the door and I could hear him frantically cleaning his room.

"You know, I'm still surprised that you asked for my help, Munson." I yelled, but he was still cleaning.

"Yeah? Why's that?" He yelled back still cleaning.

"Because I pegged you as the kind of guy that doesn't really care about school or graduating." I answered honestly. He then returned to the living room area a little out of breath from cleaning his room.

"Yeah, well, I can't stay in high school forever, and you seem like the most logical person that can help." He said after catching his breath and gave me a smile.

"I need you to take this seriously. I don't want to waste my time here." I said frustrated that he wasn't being serious.

"I am serious about graduating this year. I just need a D on O'Donnell's final and then I'll be golden." He said as he grabbed my hand and led me back to his room. When I got to his room I saw all the posters on the wall and all the books on his bookshelf. I walked around his room exploring. "My room's not like you thought it would be like, is it?" He asked sarcastically.

"I didn't think you were a big reader." I shrugged as I looked at his many books.

"Well, I like to keep people on their toes." He joked and I chuckled as he followed be around his room. "You ever read any of them before?" He asked pointing at the Lord of the Rings books.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked sarcastically and he looked confused. "Frodo and Samwise are my favorite friendship duo of all time." I answered and his eyes widened in shock.

"So, Frankie Edwards is also a nerd? This is a surprise." He chuckled slowly coming closer to me.

"Yeah, well I like to keep people on their toes." I shrugged using his line against him.

"Touche." He smirked.

"So, are you ready to start studying?" I asked walking around him and going to sit on his bed. I started getting my history book out as he looked at me.

"As ready as I'll ever be." He answered flopping down on the bed next to me. He adjusted himself so that he was on his side looking at me while I placed the history book on my lap in a sitting position.

"Ok, so where did we leave off again?" I asked trying to remember as I flipped through the pages of the book. 

"You know, you're really cute when you're focusing on something." He said with a smirk.

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