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When me and Lisa got home edward was already there sitting on the porch so he for sure was not a Strogi not that I thought he was with him being out in the daylight and all. "come in. " I unlocked the door and we all walked inside I locked the door behind us."So you wanna know what we are first. " I looked up at him." I know what you are I just want to hear it from your mouth. " I looked at him confused. "how do you know? " I asked he looked at me and sighed."I can read minds all except yours and Bellas." I laughed "no shit.?"

I guess there are weirder things in the world than a guy who can read minds."you can read my mind? "Lisa covered her face. "through the bond I could tell that she was embarrassed and just wanted to die."parts and pieces.'' he assured her with a smile but it didn't calm her down any. "I'm going to go upstairs. " Lisa said rubbing her forehead ,I watched her leave I noticed she was a little light headed needed blood .

"what are you? I know that can't be it ." I sat down. "I am a vampire." his eyes met mine he was watching my reaction. "a moroi? " I said in disbelief I knew he seemed like a moroi he just didn't look in the least bit like one. "no I don't know how but Were different from each other I don't know enough about you guys to say what the differences are. " he told me. "let me show you. he held is hand. "I can't leave Lissa."I told him sadly. "I promise you nothing will happen to her I will have my sister Alice come over and watch her if you want. " he told me is eyes playing for me to say yes. "alright but get your sister here first. " he pulled out his phone told her to come over a moment later she was at my front door. " soon as she was in the house Edward grabbed my hand swung me in his back and ran.
It was like nothing I have experienced were going faster than a bullet darting through the forest never hitting anything or tripping Over A tree limb. This was nothing like a Strogi or a moroi a whole different breed Edward abruptly stopped on a cliff under some trees "watch this. " he smirked leaning on the edge he jumped.I watched him fall to the ground we were high up but I could see the ground and where he was going I saw a mountain lion and he jumped right on top of it then he was gone. He came back a moment later,he appeared carrying the dead mountain lion."that's what you eat? " I approached hesitantly I was not stupid I could see what he was capable of. "yes me and my family don't feed on humans. " he turned around with the lion then threw it away somewhere

."what else, Lisa has heightened sense great sight ,smell and hearing she drinks human blood from donors and every other moroi has the gift to control a element Lissa on the other hand is different ,she has a super rare gift to heal and has stronger compulsion than other moroi she has fangs which I noticed you don't have while I'm a dhampire offspring of a moroi and dhampire my job as a dhampire is to protect moroi from other bad vampires that feed on humans to kill Strogi find nothing better tasting then mori blood. " I explained the whole time I talked it was like he was devouring every word that I said. " do Strogi look like my family does?" I was guessing he meant hot. "no they look like they do before they changed just paler with red eyes. " he nodded. "so Lisa can drink from humans without changing them? He looked puzzled by the thought of it. "yeah, you can't? " he shook his head ."we are venomous when we feed on a human either we kill them or we change them. " he got this distant look in his eyes .'' so .'' she shook his head .''do you dhampire have any gifts?'' he picked up a piece of grass and picked at it .'' no .'' i decided i could tell him lissa was a spirit user he was different than mori who would try to use her as a experiment and what not .'' but me and lissa are bound .'' he looked up at me .''what does that mean ?'' he tilted his head it made me notice he didnt seem so regular at school he didnt use all the human movements he seemed really stiff i don't think humans noticed how guarded her was but i did.'' i died in a car crash and lissa brought me back from the dead ,it bonded us together so i can feel her emotions and read her mind even control some of her emotions sometimes .'' he laughed .'' that must be why i can't read your mind ,it is the only reason i can think of when i try to read your thoughts all i see is blackness .it is different than when i try to read bella's thoughts with her it is just blank but you there is blackness.'' his eyes seemed light with excitement .'' i see black a little black with lissa that shades some of her thoughts too.'' at least it wasn't too much black some that i could easily pull away from her i closed my eyes and concentrated on lissa .a moment later i was in her head she was sitting on the couch sitting next to alice .'' you can really see the future ? can you see if the academy will find us and take us back .'' lissa asked her .'' no i can't something is blocking me from seeing you and Rose's future .'' she frowned and i was snapped out of lissa's head.
''Rose .'' edward was right in front of my gripping my arms shaking me .''are you alright ?'' relief spread over his face when he saw i was alright .''what was that ?'' he looked at me concerned .'' i can go in lissa's head .'' i tapped his hand gesturing for him to release .'' sorry .'' he apologized .'' did i hurt you bad .'' he lifted the sleeves of my t-shirt and looked at my arm .'' no you didn't hurt me it was just uncomfortable .'' i looked at my arm it wouldn't even bruise .'' i told you i fight strogi all the time we dhampires got the sturdiness of a human scenes of a mori but we can take more than a human throw me around some i will still get back up .not as strong as you but maybe as strong as a strogi so i can handle it if that makes since .'' he still looked tense .'' seriously i am a guardian i can take it not human.'' i rolled my eyes.
''i get it .'' i said after a moment .'' your use to being around that bella girl who is all fragile .'' i smiled as he glared at me,i got it right on the nose .''How long have you guys been together ?'' I crossed my legs making myself more comfortable .'' almost a year .'' he smiled slightly like he was happy but at the same time there was something bad about it probably that she was human and it was all bound to fail but i wasn't going to be the one to tell him that. '' you guys look in love .'' i smiled ,it was the truth that is why lissa was so jealous about them being together .'' how does it work ? you try to stay away from drinking human blood ,doesn't it bother you being so close to it ?'' i asked merely curious about it if i was a vampire i would not date a human when i know they are so fragile and full of blood ,i know that when lissa has gone without eating blood drives her crazy .
edward sighed loudly .bella has the most intoxicating blood I have ever been around but i love her ,i have never loved anyone in my life like i have loved bella she is that other side i have been looking for all these years .'' his words made my heart ache i wanted a love like that one day .'' what about your future you don't age what do you plan to do ? are you going to tur-'' ''no !'' he answered quickly it surprised me how outspoken he was about it .''why?'' he looked at me for a moment .'' i will not have her be damned to live forever without a soul like me .'' he looked down .
''you joking right ?'' i laughed his head snapped up to look at me .'' when you meet a strogi you will no what not having a soul is ,they choose to kill when they have the option not to and i don't believe that evil beings are blessed with wonderful gifts that's why when moroi turn to strogi they lose their gifts .also things without souls don't love, its impossible love is a sign you are living hell some humans don't have souls they would never speak of love like you do and mean it so deeply .'' i told him and couldn't help but feel i was in a doctor Phil mood and boy was i on a role.'' you really believe so ?'' he looked like he was in agony .'' more than anything else .''i stood up .''lets get back i know Lisa is chatting Alice's ear off .'' he smiled grabbed my hand and threw me on his back .''wait .'' i yelled before he started on his way .'' what is me and Lisa's blood like ? is it interesting at all?'' '' no it smells different almost like another vampire when we arrived home Lisa as i said was talking Alice's ear off .'' hey .'' we walked inside .'' Rose Lisa ran over to me giving me a big hug .''what?'' i laughed .'' there dad Carlisle is a doctor and Alice said he can get me the blood i need ,so i don't have to feed from you !'' i backed away from her in our world that was the biggest disgrace and she had just told them both what i had done for her .
''Lisa! '' i looked at her in disbelief she looked confused then she understood .''oh my god rose .'' she covered her mouth .''thanks .'' i ran up the stairs to my room embarrassed i stripped out of my shirt looking for a more comfortable shirt .''Rose .'' Edward slowly opened the door .''sorry .'' he covered his eyes .''what ? i doubt in all year on this earth that you haven't seen a girl in her bra before .'' i rolled my eyes .'' i figured out why you didn't want us to know that lisa had drank blood from you because among you kind it is frowned upon but me and Alice don't see anything wrong with it we both really commend you for it ,knowing that it is bad for you and all the other problems you still did it to help your friend ,i think it is great .'' he looked me right in the eye partly to convince me but i knew he was nervous being in a room with my shirtless .''thank you that means a lot .''i went over to my dresser and grabbed a baggy sports shirt i had gotten from the guy we had stayed with in California and slipped it on . '' do you want to go right now and get her her blood ?'' Edward leaned against the door frame .'' can you guys just take her ? i have to find something to eat .'' i took some sweats out of my dresser .'' if you are hungry you have to come over my mom esme loved to cook , Bella doesn't like eating at out house but i have a sneaky suspicion that you won't mind ,plus you can meet my family i think you and my other brother will get along just great .'' he smiled .''alright let me put my shirt back on .''i smiled when he ran out the room before i could even get my shirt off.

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