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when we arrived to the Cullen house they were all waiting on the front step waiting for us ,but before I could even get out the car I had to take a moment just to admire there home. It was spectacular ,the Cullen's were to so I guess it fit them . '' Rose , Lisa .'' Edward greeted us with a smile . ''This is my mother Esme and my father Carlisle .'' Edward introduced us .Esme pulled me into a gentle hug .

Esme was beautiful of course, with dark brown hair that fell into soft curls at the end and this warm motherly essence that just radiated off of her ,i instantly loved her . '' I am happy i have a occasion to cook and use my kitchen .''' Esme smiled and moved over to greet Lisa with the same warmth and kindness . '' Pleasure to meet you both ,I look forward to learning more about you.'' Carlisle shook my hand .Like Esme he was older late twenties early thirties and had these smoldering looks different from how the other guys looked not to mention he also had a certain warmth that seemed to radiate off of him .

This is my sister Rosalie and her mate Emmett .'' Rosalie shook my hand and gave me a kind smile .'' Nice to meet you .'' she shook my hand .'' you to.'' I stared at her .Rosalie was beautiful with her long flowing blond hair and face of a angel .Rosalie shook Lisa's hand to but she did not really acknowledge her anymore than that .''Here you are a little bad ass .'' Emmett said .He was all around big,with rippling muscles and a tall frame not to mention the mighty booming voice that went along with him .'' She is , she has marks for every strogi she has killed,which is pretty unheard of for dhampires who don't have there promise mark .'' Lisa bragged generally happy for me . '' marks ?'' Edward came over and leaned against Emmett .'' yeah ,i get a special tattoo on the back of my neck every time I make a kill .'' I turned around pulling my hair up so they could both see my marks.

I felt cool fingers on my neck ,I was pretty sure they were Edwards because of how gentle they were ,I doubted that Emmett would have been so gentle . '' I have see those marks before .'' Carlisle said when i dropped my hair and turned around . '' Yes ,I have a book telling something of your kind I just always thought they were tall tales Carlisle was gone and came back a moment late a book in hand We will talk inside.'' Esme rested a hand on Carlisle soldier My heart squeezed it was sweet to see how they looked at each other with so much love alright we all walked inside of the house Agian i had to stop just to take it all in knowing that they all came from different generations it showed with just how antique all there belongings were Carlisle before we start talking and everything I think you should get Lisa her blood Edward tapped my arm and gestured for me to follow him into the dining room foods done he pulled out a chair for me as esme came out with some amazing smelling food .

''Thank you so much it really means a lot i smiled at Esme as she set my plate down you are very welcome she walked away leaving me sitting at the table with Edward I Have never had a home cooked meal in my life Even now I just order food for me and lisa to eat I thought that you were hungry Edward frowned looking confused I am sorry I grabbed a fork and began eating  All I can say is amazing ,but sadly my plate was empty within minutes dhampires eat a lot I explained understandable , you want to go talk to Carlisle and see what he knows ?'' Edward stood from the table .'' Very much .''

we went to the living room where Carlisle was sitting reading a book the others standing around the room .'' so what do you know ?'' I plopped down on the couch . Carlisle looked at me amused .'' Well I did hear of your kind before ,dhampire moroi and strogi belive it or not that is what are breed comes from .'' he looked at me .'' what do you mean ?" Lissa asked .''We are born from a strogi and a moroi's mixing .'' he laughed to himself i belive in just dis belief

Growing up I had always wondered what would happen .If it was possible for the two to mix . '' them mixing made a stronger race .'' I put it all together it made since to me . like when moroi and humans mixed at the beginning dhampire got all of the stronger traits of both jeans just like the Cullen's kind did .'' As i understand some guardians do not even have as many marks as you have when they end there career .'' Carlisle looked at me like he was really impressed .'' I Did not have anything that really went into great detail about Moroi at least that went deep enough to elaborate more on the gift you have .'' Carlisle looked over at lissa .

Lisa felt uncomfortable not because they were talking about what we were so freely ,but because she was not getting talked about as much as I was . her compulsion did not work on the Cullen's ,they did not fall at her feet .It made me angry that she could be so selfish .'' This was great,But we better get going ,it's getting late and gotta get up early tomorrow for school .'' I said cutting a look at Lisa i was angry at her for being selfish .But the way her mood was changing so rapidly .Where one moment she was happy and caring and herself not worried about who is thinking about her to so vain worried me .It had to be the darkness .

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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