The start of a great adventure

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«Ah, come on Xavier! You're making us slow down.»

Said the Popplio, who, surprisingly, was a female. She had an ocean blue eyes, that fit well with he snow-white ribbon. Recieving the words was a Zorua with crimson eyes, mostly as brown as tree bark fur with blue on some parts, he also had a little bandaid on his muzzle, for some reason.

«But I don't wanna. . .»

Mumbled Xavier, his sleepy voice apparent, as he was being dragged by the Popplio, whose name was Belle. Around them was also walking an Eevee, which seemed to be even fluffier than an average one, and a Riolu, who seemed content to go on a small adventure.

«Luna, tell Xavier to move, or else we'll slow down because of him.»

Whisper yelled Belle to the Eevee, who just shrugged and said.

«Keep moving Xavier, you wouldn't want to get left alone would you?»

She turned to him, sparing him a glance. The Zorua seemed to get startled, as he stood up and ran up to the group, the little sea lion catching up shortly.

Now you may have a question, what is happening? Well, let me elaborate.

Those four, Belle, Xavier, Ray and Luna, are friends, and a bunch of children who can stand up for themselves. They never really get in arguments, more like hold little childish grudges against each other, that don't last more than a few hours. These little cubs also seem to be inseparable, as nobody ever sees them by themselves, without each other.

They come from a little village called Starfall Town, which is mostly inhabited by psychic and fairy types. Though, these pokémon never met their parents, they just hatched from the eggs in the nursery. A Blissey saw four eggs, abandoned on a faraway beach, and took them in, just so they'd have a place to stay until they're old enough to find themselves a place to live in.

Their friendship formed just as they hatched, as they saw each other immediately.

Where they are going? Well, they have a permission from their motherly figure, Blissey, whose name was Cassie by the way, to go on an adventure, and of course, why wouldn't those little cubs take the chance?

Let's get back on the current, won't we?

Currently, they were going amongst fields and forests, seeking for a shelter for the night, they wouldn't want to stay outside during night, would they?  There are many other pokémon that may harm them in any way. Suddenly, the grey, rain clouds have covered almost the entire sky, tiny cubs stared at the sky for a little, before running off in an unknown direction, seeking for any type of shelter they could hide in.

«Why are we running?»

Asked the little sea lion, tilting her head in confusion.

«Well not everyone likes to be soaked wet, Belle!»

Yelled to her the fox, who was running in  off.

«Quit it guys, this is not the time to argue!»

The other fox interrupted, clearly slightly pissed with the argument, as they were about to get wet, and then cold on.

«Guys look, a cave!»

Riolu by the name of Ray suddenly stopped and towards him, where, indeed, was a cave, though, it seemed dark. The cubs took no attention to that, who would like to get soaked? Except Belle of course, she loves rain.

It started raining just before they entered, so that made them a tiny bit wet, but that was nothing compared to what hit just after 3 minutes. It was almost like the rain was trying to burrow the ground!

Xavier huffed as he shook out as much water of himself as he could, Luna followed the gesture, as she also didn't appreciate getting wet. That greatly slowed her down due to the amount of fur she had.

While they were at it, Riolu took out the map out of his bandana that was taking the role of a scarf, and unfolded it. He smiled as he took a glance. They were in a dark cave that had no name, thankfully, it was on the map, so they're not lost, as Ray realised that, he let out a breath the cub didn't know he was holding.

When Riolu turned around, he saw that Xavier was already comfortably laying on the grass that grew inside the cave, probably going to nap, again. Belle was blowing bubbles while Luna was quietly watching, her tail wagging ever so slightly. He sat up on the ground, they just set out on the journey, and the difficulties didn't wait.

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