Chapter 2 - Let's go together

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«So? What are we going to do while it's pouring?»

Asked the Popplio, looking at the two wide-awake pokémon, they have already played hide and seek already, but it's pretty easy to guess where have you hidden with this much place to hide.


Said Ray, as he laid beside Xavier, setting himself comfortable as well.

«What, why?»

She asked, surprised, why would they have to sleep, around this time the sun's only setting, there's so much time yet!

«We don't have food currently, and staying wide awake will just lead us to hunger. While we're in a sleeping stance we won't need food, until further.»

He said, while Eevee laid beside both of the males. Belle huffed, but came up and settled beside them too, forming a sphere-like form, that was keeping each of them warm.

And so they slept, until around, well, the sun was just rising, so let's say around 5:30 AM.  Waking up first, surprisingly, was Xavier, who quietly and carefully got out of the furry ball he was in, jumping out of the cave quietly. Zorua mumbled to himself

«Time to be a responsible friend and get some food.»

Even though he didn't seem like the one who'd run around and do chores, he didn't like to anyway, Xavier still knew what he needed to do currently. Thanks to his ability, he transformed into a Ribbombe he saw flying around earlier, and flied away in order to find food, every once coming to a stop and setting a pebble that will lead him back. Picking out berries in the form was hard, yes, but it wasn't nearly as difficult as flying. Plus, he also had to carry the berries in Ray's bandana that he had successfully took.

In the end he came back, still a Ribbombe, flying around with a sack 3 times bigger than him. And when he returned to the cave, others were surprised that a Ribbombe was giving them food, but then Xavier transformed back, immediately lying back to the ground, sighing, relieved, and proud, the fox even smiled triumphantly.

«So that's where my bandana went. Well, at least you to food.»

Ray said, picking the berry closest to him.


Xavier said, barely lifting himself, and picking a nearby sitrus berry, Zorua knows that this kind of berry restores stamina, so it just was the obvious choice for him. The girls came over, joining the "breakfast", though, you wouldn't really call it a breakfast, as it was already the afternoon.

After the group ate, they had some leftover berries, that Ray packed, once again, in his bandana. That makeshift bag won't last for long, but it will do for a while.

And so they set off again, this time somewhere deeper in the forest.

«So, what is our task now?»

Asked Eevee, which was followed by silence, though, later on, Xavier responded

«Find more food, and get another place to spend the night, preferably near water, as we won't last too long without it.»

«Why'd we leave that cave then? It was pretty cozy to stay in.»

Said Belle, tilting her head to the said, this time, Riolu answered.

«If we left out there, we'd have higher chances of meeting other pokémon, which can result in injuries if we're not lucky. Plus there's higher chances that we'll dehydrate, as there was no water nearby, you, of us four, would suffer the most as a water type.»


She quietly gave out, as she followed them, looking around. Belle was searching for something edible, she knew that it was must listening to the Zorua, as his decision were right in most times. Suddenly Ray came to a stop, looking around cautiously.

«What's wrong?»

Luna asked, looking at Riolu, who soon made a "quiet down" motion, looking around yet again. He quietly came up to a bush and prepared a force palm, just in case.

Xavier also tagged along, starting to uncover the bush slowly.

Then a Fletchling jumped out. Zorua got startled, and Riolu almost used his force palm. Though, he didn't as the Fletchling seemed hurt. They stared at each other awkwardly, before the tiny robin asked.

«Who are you guys?»

Xavier and Ray glanced at each other, then the tricky fox answered.

«We'd like to know the same.»

And even though it wasn't the answer Fletchling was expecting, they still seemed content with it.

«I'm Robert, and again, you guys are?»

Before Xavier and Ray could say a thing, Belle joined in happily, plopping near the three.

«That Riolu you see here is Ray, Zorua is Xavier, the Eevee behind us is named Luna, and my name is Belle! It's nice to meet you, Robert!»

She wagged her tail slightly, while the rest of these four deadpanned.

Robert jumped up to her and flapped his wings happily.

«It's nice to meet you!»

«Say, what are you doing here, alone?»

Ray interrupted their little chit-chat, it was pretty surprising that a little Fletching flew away from his home, alone, and hurt.

«Well, I was here with my older sister, but she flew away to catch a Caterpie she saw. Then I accidentally hit a random stick because I wasn't careful, and scraped my right wing a little, and because I couldn't fly I fell down in the bushes, I sat there for a while, until, you guys came.»

Robert said as he glanced at the Riolu.

Luna suddenly butted in, taking the bandage from her hand and tied it on the Fletchling's wing.

«Would you like to tag along on our adventure for a while?»

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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