into the woods

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chapter 10- into the woods

olive let her jealousy get the best of her as she watched Lucas and max talk, and walk next to each-other as we all walked through the wooded area

"are you okay?" dustin asked olive suddenly

"of course why wouldn't I be?" olive responded

"I don't know you just seem .. off"

"I'm perfectly fine" olive lied

"You're positive that was dart" Lucas turned around saying

"Yes he has the same pattern on his butt" Dustin sighs

"he was tiny two days ago" max pointed out

"Well he's molted three times already" dustin stated

"Malted?" Steve asks confused

"Molted" dustin corrects

"Shed his skin to make room for growth like a hornworm" Dustin explains

"When is he going to molt again?" Max asks Dustin shrugs

"it's gotta be soon. When he does, he'll be fully grown, or close to it, and so will his friends"

"Yeah but he's gonna eat a lot more than just cats" Steve states causing both olive and Dustin's eyes to widen

"Wait a cat? Dart ate a cat?" Lucas asks

"What no?" Dustin tries to lie but he's absolutely terrible at it

"no I think Steve is a little confused" olive glared

"What are you talking about? He ate mews" olives eyes widened

"Mews who's mews?" Max asked

"Dustin's cat" olive replied

"I knew it you kept him!" Lucas exclaimed

"No no no no I he missed he wanted to come home!" Dustin explained

"He made a mistake he shouldn't have done it" olive defended

"Why didn't you tell us!" Lucas said to me

"I just found out and I didn't want you guys to fight" olive shrugged

"I didn't know he was a demorgorgon alright?" Dustin said

"Oh, so now you admit it?" Lucas rolls his eyes

"Guys, who cares we have to go" max said and olive nodded her in agreement

"I care! You put the party in jeopardy! You broke the rule of law!" Lucas yells

"So did you!" Dustin yells back


"You told a stranger the truth!"

"A stranger?" Max scoffs

"You both broke a rule okay?" olive says making them put all of their attention onto olive

you actually did too!" Dustin yells

"Yeah actually you broke two by telling max and helping Dustin!" Lucas says both of them teaming up on olive

"Oh really now? It's not my fault we all wanted to tell her okay?" olive yelled

"We all broke laws and rules let's get over it" olive stated

"we aren't even you're pet could have ate us for dinner" Lucas mumbled

"it's not my fault okay?" Dustin sighed

"Yes it is it could have killed us!" Lucas yelled

"GUYS!" Steve yelled cutting off the fighting between the two boys they looked over at where Steve was looking immediately noticing where all the demodogs were going...

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