you were never mine

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               chapter 3- you were never mine

liz didn't know too much about olive

she knew the music that dominated her brain

or the rosy scent of her shampoo when her hair was down

the color purple was her personal favorite and the way she wrote her name on tests and assignments

sometimes she envied the girl those three boys got to grow up with .. got to really know

she wanted to know her fears, her dislikes things she loved

but olive only wanted to get high or drunk

or she barley talked making liz have to come up with new ways to force her personality out

tonight she was going to pry her way into olives brain

"sooo I saw you walking with um your brother and like Dustin, Lucas .." Liz casually asked as she rolled her joint the way her brother taught her

olive looked down at her as she was leaning against Liz's bedroom wall

"yeah what about it?" olive asked as she tilted her head

"are you guys good?" Liz pried

"I guess" olive nodded making Liz sigh she couldn't get anything out of olive it was like talking to a brick wall sometimes

Liz stopped what she was doing as she bit her tongue from asking a question she knew she didn't want the answer too

"what's wrong?" Olive asked as she waited for a answer

"do you even like hanging out with me?" Liz said before her words could turn to ash

"of course I do-"

"you don't act like it" Liz pointed out

olive went silent before she sat down in-front of Liz

"I care- care about you a lot.. I just went through so much over the summer and I just can't.." olive stated as she carefully picked her words

the air felt thick as the two had never been so vulnerable with each-other

normally liz would just push it away and try to keep her cool girl persona

but she was starting to plummet into a deep affection for the girl

and maybe somewhere in olive she was feeling the same way

"well what happened?" she asked as pulled out her lighter and lit the joint

"the mall fire.. it broke all of my friends.. " she stated

"how so?" Liz passes the joint over to olive making her whisper a small thank you

"wel- I mean we all just can't really move past it" olive presses the joint against her lips almost to keep herself from saying anymore

"like max?" The question was innocent liz barley knew max they shared Spanish together

but max wasn't much of a talker she sat in the back of the class all alone she requested to work by herself most of the time and wouldn't look in the direction of liz

Liz expected olive to suddenly go quiet at the talk of max like she usually would but this time it was genuine normal reaction

"yeah but I mean she went through a lot" olive passed Liz the joint

making her pause to breathe in the calming smoke

"Is that why you don't talk anymore?" Liz had noticed olive going stiff when max and her crossed paths

"yeah when you break someone's heart it's kind of hard to pretend you're best friends" olives eyes went wide realizing what she said

the room fell silent as the tension suddenly felt thicker

"you and max... dated?" Liz practically choked

of course she had heard rumors about olive especially in middle school and maybe she had her suspicion's but she had never heard someone openly admit to that type of thing

"surprise" olive joked as she tried to keep a straight face

liz didn't really know what to say as she stared at olive

"look if that makes you uncomfortable-"

"no! I mean- no it doesn't" olive giggled at the nervous response

"I mean I like- know?"

"you like what?" olive asked with a giggle as she looked over at the girl

olive put the joint to her lips as she remained staring at Liz

"you know.." Liz felt herself completely melt under the attention of olive

olive eyes went wide for a split second as she processed the situation at hand

"I guess I do.. can't really deny you flirting with me" Olive states as she passes the joint over to Liz

"I think it's the other way around" Liz augured as she hesitated to press the joint to her lips

"do you actually mean any of it?" Liz asked her words practically begging her to feel the same way

".. do you?"

"I don't know.. I guess I would have to test it out" Liz posed the word as a question she didn't see herself ever asking

"and if there's not?" Olive asked her tone seemed to be anxious as if she was worried for the consequences of finding out

Liz shrugged "we could pretend it never happened"

"and if it does?"

"olive... chill out" she sighed as she leaned closer

Liz could feel the hesitation in olives movements as she slowly leaned closer

slowly closing the gap between them

olive immediately took note of how soft her lips were like honey dripping off of hers

they tasted like it too

she couldn't help but get lost in the kiss

and Olive definitely couldn't even process how it made her feel

She pulled away first as she automatically thought of everything bad that could come from this kiss

"how was that?" Olive whispered

liz didn't respond as she just leaned forward to kiss her again

Olive left Liz's house that night just in time for her early curfew

guilt rose up inside of her as she thought of the only girl she had ever liked

an- I can't tell if I hate this or not but I really need to update !

I miss writing fluff sm omg

it was kinda cute... <33

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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